Data set from Pupil absence in schools in England

Enrolments with one or more session of absence, including by reason for absence

Not the latest data
Last updated

The number of enrolments with one or more session of absence, including by reason for absence. 

Data set details

Pupils and schools
Pupil absence in schools in England
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National, Regional
  • Number of enrolments with at least one absence session due to agreed extended family holiday
  • Number of enrolments with at least one absence session due to agreed family holiday
  • Number of enrolments with at least one absence session due to arriving late
  • School type
Time period
2012/13 to 2021/22

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
Academic yearSix half terms201314NationalE92000001EnglandTotal21151655400759921525824064236069452826312472079445429978187815319235z1514961347868660687485893141164848608700
Academic yearSix half terms201516NationalE92000001EnglandState-funded primary167833818442349507433823481465407307456112606373666459925890162628z3009565012757301933311478417717256100
Academic yearSix half terms201617NationalE92000001EnglandTotal21247689976963328026122582281297455517512461505556301819687884238336z1951891344629970158543841169240539942500
Academic yearSix half terms201718NationalE92000001EnglandState-funded secondary340329474622713919262670812550512399030110761618377690120194050422z15985269660029205317913592962421312500
Academic yearSix half terms201213RegionalE92000001EnglandE12000001North EastSpecial615236493248521829417929711035121116133351730200243148323800

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 21 variables
Variable nameVariable description
enrol_auth_appointmentsNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to medical or dental appointments
enrol_auth_excludedNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to exclusion
enrol_auth_ext_holidayNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to agreed extended family holiday
enrol_auth_holidayNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to agreed family holiday
enrol_auth_illnessNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to illness


  1. Total includes state-funded primary, secondary and special schools. Data for special schools is available from 2016/17 to present.
  2. Sessions recorded as not attending due to COVID circumstances are included as possible sessions in 2020/21 and 2021/22 only, but not as an absence within absence rates.

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