Data set from Student loan forecasts for England

Transfer proportion by loan product

Not the latest data
Last updated


Data set details

Finance and funding
Student loan forecasts for England
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Transfer proportion (percentage)
  • Loan type
  • Plan type of loan
Time period
2018-19 to 2024-25

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
Plan 1Plan 1 loans201819NANAFinancial yearNationalE92000001England
Plan 2Higher education full time loans20181952NAFinancial yearNationalE92000001England
Plan 2Higher education part time loans20181942NAFinancial yearNationalE92000001England
Plan 2Advanced Learner Loans20181951NAFinancial yearNationalE92000001England
Plan 3Master's Loans20181915NAFinancial yearNationalE92000001England

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 3 variables
Variable nameVariable description
loan_typeLoan type - Filter by loan type
percentageTransfer proportion (percentage)
plan_typePlan type of loan - Filter by plan type


  1. Figures have been rounded to the nearest 1%.
  2. Plan 2 loans were introduced in place of Plan 1 loans for new entrants to higher education from September 2012. Part-time higher education fee loans were introduced at the same time and part-time maintenance loans were introduced in August 2018.
  3. 2018-19 transfer proportions have been provided using the model configuration from the previous release in June 2019 (though transfer proportion figures were not published in the June 2019 release). Since this time, there have been revisions to the data, economic assumptions, policies and modelling methodology used within the student finance forecasting models. This should be considered when comparing the 2018-19 figures to the remaining forecasts.
  4. Coverage: Borrowers who received loans as English domiciled students studying in the UK or as EU domiciled students studying in England.
  5. Master's loans were introduced in August 2016.
  6. The transfer proportion is the portion of student loan outlay earmarked as government expenditure at loan inception in recognition that this portion of the outlay is unlikely to be repaid. See details of the partitioned loan approach for further information:
  7. Advanced Learner Loans were introduced for students aged 24+ on some further education courses in August 2013, and extended to students aged 19-23 in August 2016.

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