Data set from Education, children’s social care and offending: local authority level dashboard

Number of children who live and go to school in a different local authority

Latest data
Last updated

Number and percentage of children who live and go to school in a different local authority, for all pupils matched to KS4 academic year 2012/13 - 2017/18. 

Data set details

Pupils and schools
Education, children’s social care and offending: local authority level dashboard
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority
  • Number of children in offending or pupil group that live and go to school in different local authorities
  • Percentage of children in offending or pupil group that live and go to school in different local authorities
  • Percentage of that live and go to school in different local authorities and also offend
  • indicator
  • Offending or pupil group
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201920Academic yearLocal authorityEnglandE92000001E12000007London301E09000002Barking and DagenhamSchoolAll Pupils143711.5z
201920Academic yearLocal authorityEnglandE92000001E12000007London301E09000002Barking and DagenhamSchoolAny Offence7011.74.9
201920Academic yearLocal authorityEnglandE92000001E12000007London301E09000002Barking and DagenhamSchoolSerious Violence Offence2810.11.9
201920Academic yearLocal authorityEnglandE92000001E12000007London302E09000003BarnetSchoolAll Pupils506226.6z
201920Academic yearLocal authorityEnglandE92000001E12000007London302E09000003BarnetSchoolAny Offence10017.72

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 5 variables
Variable nameVariable description
count_difNumber of children in offending or pupil group that live and go to school in different local authorities
perc_difPercentage of children in offending or pupil group that live and go to school in different local authorities
perc_dif_that_offendPercentage of that live and go to school in different local authorities and also offend
pupil_groupOffending or pupil group

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