Data set from Suspensions and permanent exclusions in England

Suspensions and permanent exclusions - by characteristic

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Termly number and percentage of suspensions and permanent exclusions and those pupils receiving one or more suspension by pupil characteristics. Includes breakdowns by age, sex, national curriculum year, ethnicity, eligibility for Free School Meals (FSM) and Special Educational Needs (SEN).

Data set details

Pupils and schools
Suspensions and permanent exclusions in England
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National, Regional
  • Headcount
  • Permanent exclusions
  • Permanent exclusions (rate)
  • Characteristic
  • School Type
Time period
2019/20 Autumn term to 2023/24 Autumn term

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
Autumn term201920Local authorityE92000001EnglandE12000001North EastE06000047840County DurhamState-funded primaryAgeAge 10538100561.040698755320.594685003
Autumn term201920Local authorityE92000001EnglandE12000001North EastE06000047840County DurhamState-funded primaryAgeAge 114000000
Autumn term201920Local authorityE92000001EnglandE12000001North EastE06000047840County DurhamState-funded primaryAgeAge 4 and under7946000000
Autumn term201920Local authorityE92000001EnglandE12000001North EastE06000047840County DurhamState-funded primaryAgeAge 5541100250.462021807140.258732212
Autumn term201920Local authorityE92000001EnglandE12000001North EastE06000047840County DurhamState-funded primaryAgeAge 6556600240.431189364130.233560905

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 9 variables
Variable nameVariable description
characteristicCharacteristic - Detail of age, gender, national curriculum year, ethnicity, fsm, SEN
education_phaseSchool Type - State-funded primary, secondary and special
one_plus_suspPupil enrolments with one or more suspension
one_plus_susp_ratePupil enrolments with one or moresuspension (rate)


  1. For 2019/20 and 2020/21, while suspensions and permanent exclusions were possible throughout the academic year, pandemic restrictions will have had an impact on the numbers presented and caution should be taken when comparing across years.
  2. From 2023/24 the school census data item ‘sex’ replaced ‘gender’. Historical use of the word “gender” in the data collection may have meant that “gender identity” was reported in some cases, as opposed to legal sex. While this is unlikely to have a significant effect on overall figures, it may affect figures in more granular subdivisions. Time-series in this publication prior to spring 2023 which contained gender as a category may be affected.
  3. Data on one or more suspensions may not match the totals in the "Permanent exclusions and suspensions - by geography" data file - this occurs where a characteristic changes within the term and suspensions are recorded separately against each. For example, a pupil with multiple suspensions while recorded as not having SEN and with multiple suspensions while recorded as SEN support in the same term, will count as two enrolments in this data.
  4. EHC plans – A pupil has an EHC plan when a formal assessment has been made. A document is in place that sets out the child’s need and the extra help they should receive. EHC plans were introduced in September 2014 replacing Statements of SEN, with these being phased out by April 2018. This category therefore includes Statements of SEN for the years up to 2018.
  5. SEN support - From 2015, the School Action and School Action Plus categories were combined to form one category of SEN support. Extra or different help is given from that provided as part of the school’s usual curriculum. The class teacher and special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) may receive advice or support from outside specialists. The pupil does not have an Education, Health and Care plan.

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