Data set from School capacity

Local authority planned places - additional, bulge and removed places

Not the latest data
Last updated

Places reported by local authorities in summer 2019 as planned to be added or permanently removed from their school capacity. Includes only projects with firm plans for delivery. Includes sixth form places. Excludes nursey places.

Data set details

Pupils and schools
School capacity
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National, Regional
  • Additional places
  • Bulge places
  • Removed places
  • National curriculum year group
Time period
2019/20 to 2021/22

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201920Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandTotalTotal471278318-11066
201920Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandPrimaryPrimary total256572018-4301
201920Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandPrimaryReception3804910-1072
201920Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandPrimaryYear 013449123-523
201920Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandPrimaryYear 02337090-553

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 4 variables
Variable nameVariable description
additional_placesAdditional places
bulge_placesBulge places
nc_year_groupNational curriculum year group - Filter by phase and by national curriculum year group. Scroll down and select 'Total' for the sum of all primary and secondary year groups.
removed_placesRemoved places


  1. Excludes additional places in projects funded through central DfE programmes, such as Free Schools, unless local authorities have contributed their own funding to deliver additional places to these projects. Includes additional places in Targeted Basic Need projects.
  2. Includes places reported by local authorities in summer 2019 as planned to be added or removed. Includes only projects with a high degree of certainty of going ahead, usually where funding has been committed. Excludes nursery places.
  3. Data on additional, bulge and removed places was collected through the main School Capacity survey in 2019, rather than the Capital Spend data collection as in previous years. Data now includes places for Year 12 to Year 14. Additional, bulge and removed places are now reported cumulatively. Prior to 2019, data did not include places for Year 12 to Year 14 places and places were reported in the first year they were due to become available only.
  4. z - Indicates data is not applicable.
  5. Additional and bulge places are now reported separately. In previous years, they were published together as one 'planned places' figure. Bulge places are places used to accommodate a specific large cohort. They move through the school with this cohort. Additional places are permanent places that will not move through the school with a specific cohort.
  6. Includes places LAs plan to permanently remove from their school capacity. 2019 is the first year data on removed places has been collected and published.

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