Data set from Graduate outcomes (LEO): postgraduate outcomes

Underlying data UK domiciled postgraduates - subject table

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Underlying data file for Graduate Outcomes (LEO) postgraduate publication


Employment and earnings outcomes by subject studied for UK domiciled postgraduates (level 7 (taught and research)) of English Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), five years after graduation (YAG), 2018/19 tax year.

File formats and conventions


Files are Comma Separated Value (CSV)


  • Earnings figures are rounded to the nearest £100
  • Employment outcome percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%
  • All populations are rounded to the nearest 5 full-person equivalent (FPE) individuals
  • c = data has been supressed due to small numbers. z = there is no result (N/A)

Data set details

Higher education
Graduate outcomes (LEO): postgraduate outcomes
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Activity not captured
  • Further study with or without sustained employment
  • Gender gap
  • Graduate sex
  • Subject studied
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201819Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain5 YAGFemale + maleUKLevel 71 . PGCE17400169901.12.4168056.34.483.388.389.36136302300030300347006.0%
201819Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain5 YAGFemale + maleUKLevel 72 . MBA293027256.86.9254012.14.77982.483.14.1193537200620009640028.0%
201819Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain5 YAGFemale + maleUKLevel 73 . Medicine and dentistry307529855.12.928358.53.571.684.88816.4192530300434006860036.1%
201819Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain5 YAGFemale + maleUKLevel 74 . Pharmacology, toxicology and pharmacy9359203.81.78856.54.271.986.589.217.463027000394004670016.7%
201819Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain5 YAGFemale + maleUKLevel 75 . Nursing and midwifery420041553.7140004.337690.992.816.8294524100336004230016.1%

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 18 variables
Variable nameVariable description
activity_not_capturedActivity not captured
earnings_includeGraduates included in earnings figures
earnings_LQLower quartile of earnings of graduates
earnings_medianMedian earnings of graduates
earnings_UQUpper quartile of earnings of graduates


  1. All populations are rounded to the nearest 5 full-person equivalent (FPE) individuals
  2. Employment outcome percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%
  3. In the 2018/19 tax year, 1 YAG (one year after graduation) relates to those who graduated in the 2016/17 academic year, 3 YAG to graduates in 2014/15, 5 YAG to graduates in 2012/13 and 10 YAG to graduates in 2007/08.
  4. Earnings figures are rounded to the nearest £100
  5. c = data has been supressed due to small numbers. z = there is no result (N/A)

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