Data set from Key stage 1 and phonics screening check attainment

Phonics screening check mark distribution

Not the latest data
Last updated

This file contains data on the mark distributions in the phonics screening check.

Data set details

School and college outcomes and performance
Key stage 1 and phonics screening check attainment
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Number of year 1 pupils achieving each phonic mark
  • Cumulative percentage of year 1 pupils achieving each phonic mark
  • Average mean phonics mark
  • Gender
  • Phonic marks
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
202122Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandProvisionalState-funded schoolsTotal0136522z
202122Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandProvisionalState-funded schoolsTotal140103z
202122Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandProvisionalState-funded schoolsTotal235573z
202122Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandProvisionalState-funded schoolsTotal331854z
202122Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandProvisionalState-funded schoolsTotal429064z

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 5 variables
Variable nameVariable description
average_mean_phonics_markAverage mean phonics mark
cumulative_percentageCumulative percentage of year 1 pupils achieving each phonic mark
number_of_pupils_achievingNumber of year 1 pupils achieving each phonic mark
phonics_markPhonic marks


  1. Does not include pupils who were absent or disapplied for the check.
  2. The phonic mark can be between 0 and 40. If a pupil’s mark is at or above the threshold mark they are considered to have reached the expected standard. The threshold mark was 32 in 2022.

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