Data set from Key stage 4 performance

KS4 local authority characteristics data

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Last updated


Data set details

School and college outcomes and performance
Key stage 4 performance
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National, Regional
  • Average Attainment 8 score of all pupils
  • Average EBacc APS score per pupil
  • Percentage number of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate
  • Disadvantaged status
  • English as an Additional Language status
  • Free school meal eligibility
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201920Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedState-funded schools (LA)SEN descriptionTotalTotalTotalTotalNo identified SENTotalTotal32114779522564450153.747501799.426647555.83728187821217444.411590224.216177033.82256958.644.72
201920Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedState-funded schools (LA)SEN descriptionTotalTotalTotalTotalAny SENTotalTotal3970820932522971.6730.76992185.21376116.82713233.11133113.835644.359377.2204734.462.49
201920Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedState-funded schools (LA)First languageTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalEnglish397446464923317435.350.245242697.423266050.133331571.717594937.99583520.613433028.92025180.534.36
201920Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedState-funded schools (LA)First languageTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalOther than English3466942864798796.7450.9914499747106506594169.947106502343324.93309335.1432002.384.58
201920Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedState-funded schools (LA)Ethnic majorBoysCHINESETotalTotalTotalTotalTotal65395762580.5265.494198.371975.184888.654857.341042.849351.55797.266.06

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 26 variables
Variable nameVariable description
avg_att8Average Attainment 8 score of all pupils
avg_ebaccapsAverage EBacc APS score per pupil
breakdownThe breakdown of the data being displayed
characteristic_disadvantageDisadvantaged status
characteristic_Ethnic_majorMajor ethnic group


  1. Following special educational needs and disability (SEND) reforms in 2014/15, SEN pupils are categorised as 'SEN with a statement or Education, health and care (EHC) plan' and 'SEN support'. SEN support replaces 'school action' and 'school action plus' (grouped as SEN without a statement up to and including 2013/14) but some pupils remain with these provision types in first year of transition. More detailed information on the reforms can be found in the link below:
  2. English includes 'pupils whose first language is English’ includes 'not known but believed to be English'.
  3. From 2013/14 EBacc sciences includes computer science. From 2018 GCSEs in core, additional and further additional science are no longer eligible to count. Sciences includes the double award GCSE in combined science, and single GCSEs in biology, chemistry, physics and computer science.
  4. A Progress 8 score of 1.0 means pupils in the group make on average approximately a grade more Progress than the national average; a score of -0.5 means they make on average approximately half a grade less Progress than average. Progress 8 scores should be interpreted alongside the associated confidence intervals. If the lower bound of the confidence interval is greater than zero, it can be interpreted as meaning that the group achieves greater than average Progress compared to pupils in mainstream schools nationally and that this is statistically significant. If the upper bound is negative, this means that the group achieves lower than average Progress compared to pupils in mainstream schools nationally and that this is statistically significant.
  5. Figures not present in the data means there are no pupils at the end of key stage 4 for this breakdown.
  6. The Secondary accountability measures guidance can be found alongside the KS4 data and metadata files under 'Download associated files'.
  7. : = When data is unavailable for other reasons
  8. SEN support indicates whether a pupil has extra or different help given from that provided as part of the school’s usual curriculum. The class teacher and SEN coordinator (SENCO) may receive advice or support from outside specialists. This category replaces the former ‘school action’ and ‘school action plus’ categories.
  9. No SEN' includes pupils whom could not obtained, refused, unclassified or could not be determined.
  10. Some zero percentages may represent small numbers due to rounding.
  11. Includes pupils for whom Special Educational Needs status (SEN provision) or SEN primary could not be determined. This figure also includes pupils at further education colleges: as FE colleges do not complete the school census, we do not have matched pupil characteristics data of pupils in FE colleges and therefore these pupils are not included in characteristics breakdowns. This means that there are some cases where the individual characteristics breakdowns will not add up to the all pupils figure.
  12. z = When an observation is not applicable
  13. No SEN' includes pupils whom could not obtained, refused, unclassified or could not be determined.
  14. Statement/EHC plan indicates whether a pupil a pupil has a statement of SEN or an education, health and care (EHC) plan when a formal assessment has been made.
  15. FSM all other includes pupils not eligible for free school meals and for whom free school meal eligibility was unclassified or could not be determined.
  16. Disadvantaged all other includes pupils for whom free school meal eligibility, Special Educational Needs status (SEN provision) or SEN primary need could not be determined.
  17. Explore education statistics (EES) glossary can be found at
  18. State-funded schools include academies, free schools, city technology colleges, further education colleges with provision for 14- to 16-year-olds and state-funded special schools. They exclude independent schools, independent special schools, non-maintained special schools, hospital schools, pupil referral units and alternative provision. Alternative provision includes academy and free school alternative provision.
  19. In 2019, two new local authorities were created from a merger of others. Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole was created on 1 April 2019 from areas that were previously administered by the unitary authorities of Bournemouth and Poole, and the district of Christchurch. Dorset was created on 1 April 2019 from the districts of Weymouth and Portland, West Dorset, North Dorset, Purbeck and East Dorset. 2019 data is not comparable to previous years.
  20. Progress 8 data is not being published using 2019/20 data because of the cancellation of GCSE exams. Calculating Progress 8 has an element of modelling (estimating the average Attainment 8 for pupils in similar prior Attainment groups) and with the lack of exam data, the Progress 8 measure is not meaningful as a measure of Progress for 2020.
  21. Attainment 8 and Progress 8 are part of the secondary accountability system that was implemented for all schools from 2016. Attainment 8 measures pupils’ Attainment across 8 qualifications including maths, English, three ebacc qualifications and three further GCSE or non-GCSE qualifications. From 2018, Attainment 8 had a maximum point score of 90, compared to a maximum of 87 in 2017 and 80 in 2016. This helped to minimise fluctuations in the average Attainment 8 scores following the phased introduction of 9-1 reformed GCSEs. These differences should be considered when comparing Attainment 8 scores between 2016-2019. In 2020, the majority of Attainment 8 scores are based on qualifications that were awarded via centre assessment grades rather than exams, so they are likely to be higher due to this and are not comparable to previous years.
  22. From 2014/15, disadvantaged pupils include pupils known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM) in any spring, autumn, summer, alternative provision or pupil referral unit census from year 6 to year 11 or are looked after children for at least one day or are adopted from care. For 2013/14 and earlier years, they include pupils known to be eligible for FSM in any spring, autumn, summer, alternative provision or pupil referral unit census from year 6 to year 11 or are looked after children.
  23. Includes pupils for whom free school meal eligibility could not be determined. This figure also includes pupils at further education colleges: as FE colleges do not complete the school census, we do not have matched pupil characteristics data of pupils in FE colleges and therefore these pupils are not included in characteristics breakdowns. This means that there are some cases where the individual characteristics breakdowns will not add up to the all pupils figure. Pupils in FE colleges are included in the free school meals figures from 2015/16 onwards.
  24. c = From 2018 revised data, suppression due to low numbers was not applied unless deemed necessary. Previous years' data remains suppressed. For 2020, where a geographical area contains only one school (for example Isles of Scilly) the data for that area has been suppressed. This is in line with the announcement that school level data would not be published using the summer 2020 exam grades awarded.
  25. EBacc entry and Attainment are shown as the percentage of pupils at the end of key stage 4. Ebacc thresholds are included for transparency and comparability. Prior to 2015/16, where the English language and English literature option was chosen in EBacc English, exams in both had to be taken and a C grade or above achieved in English language. In 2015/16, to meet the English requirement of the EBacc, exams in both had to be taken and a C grade or above achieved in either English language or English literature. In 2016/17, the definition of 'percentage achieving the English Baccalaureate' has changed to 'the proportion of pupils achieving the Ebacc which included a grade 5 or above in English and mathematics, and grade C or above in unreformed subjects' following the introduction of the reformed 9 to 1 GCSEs in English and mathematics. The 9-4 grade shows pupils who achieved a grade 4 or above in English and mathematics, and a grade C in unreformed subjects. In 2017/18, EBacc APS provides the headline EBacc measure but the 9-5 EBacc threshold is the proportion of pupils achieving the Ebacc which included a grade 5 or above in reformed subjects, and grade C or above in unreformed subjects. Most of the Ebacc subjects were reformed in 2017/18 and so caution should be taken in comparing to 2016/17 with only reformed English and maths. For the 9-4 EBacc threshold is the proportion of pupils achieving the Ebacc which included a grade 4 or above in reformed subjects, and grade C or above in unreformed subjects.
  26. Local authority, region and the total (state-funded sector) figures cover achievements in state-funded schools only. They do not include pupils recently arrived from overseas and so will not match with state-funded figures in the national tables. 'England' includes all pupils from state-funded schools, independent schools, independent special schools, non-maintained special schools, hospital schools, pupil referral units and alternative provision. Alternative provision includes academy and free school alternative provision.
  27. City of London does not have any state-funded secondary schools, therefore there are no entries present in the data for this local authority.
  28. English as an additional language (EAL) unclassified includes pupils whom first language was not obtained, refused or could not be determined.
  29. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting school closures, the summer exam series was cancelled in 2020. Pupils scheduled to sit GCSE exams in 2020 were awarded either a centre assessment grade submitted by their teachers or their calculated grade using a model developed by Ofqual - whichever was the higher of the two. Due to the changed awarding process for GCSE grades it is recommended that year on year comparisons are not made. For further information: 
  30. In 2013/14, two major reforms were implemented which affect the calculation of key stage 4 performance measures data: 1) Professor Alison Wolf’s Review of Vocational Education recommendations which: restrict the qualifications counted; prevent any qualification from counting as larger than one GCSE; and cap the number of non-GCSEs included in performance measures at two per pupil, and 2) an early entry policy to only count a pupil’s first attempt at a qualification, in subjects counted in the English Baccalaureate.
  31. All pupils 'Total' includes pupils for whom free school meal eligibility, special educational need (SEN) provision or SEN primary need could not be determined.
  32. Unclassified includes pupils whom ethnicity was not obtained, refused or could not be determined.
  33. Other than English includes ‘pupils whose first language is other than English’ includes 'not known but believed to be other than English'.
  34. Reformed GCSEs in English and mathematics were taught from September 2015, with the first examinations taking place in Summer 2017. Reformed GCSEs in other subjects were firstly phased in for teaching from September 2016, continued into 2017 and a very small number in 2018, 2019, and 2020. As they were introduced, only the newly reformed GCSEs counted in secondary school performance measures (and tables when published). From 2020, all GCSEs in England have been reformed and use the new 9 to 1 grading system (rather than A*-G) . Year on year comparisons will be limited until these qualifications are consistently included from 2020 onwards. However, results for 2020 are not comparable with earlier years due to the cancellation of exams (due to COVID-19) and the awarding of GCSE grades via centre assessment grades.
  35. Percentage of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in English and mathematics measures are calculated as a percentage of all pupils at the end of key stage 4. Prior to 2015/16, where the English language and English literature option was chosen in English, exams in both had to be taken and a C grade or above achieved in English language. From 2015/16, to meet the English requirement of the A*-C in English and maths Attainment measure, a C in either English language or English literature counted and there was no requirement to take both. From 2017, following the introduction of the reformed 9 to 1 GCSEs in English, a grade 5 or above in either English language or English literature counts and there remains no requirement to take both. The 9-4 measure shows pupils who achieved a grade 4 or above in either English language or English literature and maths and is shown alongside the headline measure for transparency and comparability.
  36. Free school meals (FSM) does not relate to pupils who actually received free school meals but those who are eligible to receive free school meals. Pupils not eligible for free school meals or unclassified pupils are described as ‘All other pupils’.
  37. The English Baccalaureate element includes the three highest point scores from any of the English Baccalaureate qualifications in science subjects, computer science, history, geography, and languages.
  38. Includes entries and achievements by these pupils in previous academic years.
  39. EBacc average point score (Ebacc APS) was introduced as a headline measure in 2018 and replaced the previous threshold 'EBacc Attainment' measure. EBacc APS measures pupils’ point scores across the five pillars of the EBacc. This ensures the Attainment of all pupils is recognised, not just those at particular grade boundaries, encouraging schools to enter pupils of all abilities, and support them to achieve their full potential. Threshold measures are included for completeness and are reported as a percentage of pupils at the end of key stage 4. The two threshold measures are: i) proportion of pupils achieving grade 5/C or above, ii) proportion of pupils achieving a grade 4/C or above respectively.

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