Data set from Key stage 4 performance

Subject pupil level data

Latest data
Last updated
National level entries and grade thresholds for the latest year broken down by subject, gender, detailed school type and qualification type e.g. GCSEs, AS levels and vocational.

Data set details

School and college outcomes and performance
Key stage 4 performance
Release type
Geographic levels
  • The number of pupils achieving the designated grade
  • The percentage of pupils achieving the designated grade
  • Sex
  • Basis for admission into the school
  • Religious denomination of school
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
202324Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandProvisionalAll schoolsAS level and FSMQAny ScienceBoysTotalTotalTotal pupil entries15z
202324Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandProvisionalAll schoolsAS level and FSMQAny ScienceGirlsTotalTotalTotal pupil entries4z
202324Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandProvisionalAll schoolsAS level and FSMQAny ScienceTotalTotalTotalTotal pupil entries19z
202324Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandProvisionalAll schoolsAS level and FSMQAny ScienceBoysTotalTotala to b640
202324Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandProvisionalAll schoolsAS level and FSMQAny ScienceGirlsTotalTotala to b250

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 9 variables
Variable nameVariable description
admission_typeBasis for admission into the school
establishment_type_groupThe types of school in the data
gradeThe grade a pupil achieves
number_achievingThe number of pupils achieving the designated grade
percentage_achievingThe percentage of pupils achieving the designated grade


  1. Establishment types included in the establishment type groupings can be found in the glossary:
  2. Selective areas include local authorities where more than 25% of state-funded secondary places are in selective schools. These local authorities are Bexley, Buckinghamshire, Kent, Lincolnshire, Medway, Slough, Southend-on-Sea, Sutton, Torbay, Trafford and Wirral.
  3. Discounting has been applied. For further information please see the discounting guidance ( (opens in a new tab)).
  4. Any science includes Astronomy, Electronics, Environmental Science and Geology.
  5. Any Design and Technology includes Design and Technology Engineering and Product Design qualifications.
  6. Combined Science GCSE is a Double Award and is included in this table for the purpose of comparison with other Science subjects.
  7. For pupils at the end of KS4 in 2023/24, where pupils achieved qualifications in subjects between January 2020 and August 2021, we will not use results from these qualifications. The entries into the qualifications are still counted.
  8. Changes were made to the methodology for calculating performance data due to the commitment not to use qualification results awarded between January 2020 and August 2021 in future measures. GCSE exams returned in 2022 and grades were awarded at a midpoint between 2021 and pre-pandemic grading. In 2023, there was a return to pre-pandemic grading, with some protections. Comparisons to 2020, 2021, and 2022 should be made with caution.
  9. In 2017, new reformed GCSEs (which use the 9-1 grade scale) were introduced into secondary school performance tables in a phased approach. Unreformed subjects continued to be graded using the A* to G system. From 2020 onwards all GCSEs are now reformed and use the 9-1 grading scale.

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