IDACI decile and degree of rurality of pupil residence data
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National and regional level headline entry and attainment measures for the latest year broken down by Income Deprivation Affecting Children Indices (IDACI) decile and degree of rurality - based on pupil postcode rather than location of the school. State-funded school pupils only.
On this page
Data set details
- Theme
- School and college outcomes and performance
- Publication
- Key stage 4 performance
- Release
- Academic year 2022/23
- Release type
- Geographic levels
- National, Regional
- Indicators
- Average Attainment 8 score of all pupils
- Average EBacc APS score per pupil
- Average Progress 8 score of all pupils
- Filters
- Degree of rurality - pupil residency
- Pupil residency detail
- Income Deprivation Affecting Children Indices decile
- Time period
- 2022/23
Data set preview
time_period | time_identifier | geographic_level | country_code | country_name | region_code | region_name | version | level_methodology | establishment_type | idaci_decile | ru11ind_pupil_residency | pupil_residency_detail | t_schools | t_pupils | t_att8 | avg_att8 | t_entbasics | pt_entbasics | t_l2basics_95 | pt_l2basics_95 | t_l2basics_94 | pt_l2basics_94 | t_ebacc_e_ptq_ee | pt_ebacc_e_ptq_ee | t_ebacc_95 | pt_ebacc_95 | t_ebacc_94 | pt_ebacc_94 | t_ebaccaps | avg_ebaccaps | t_inp8calc | t_p8score | avg_p8score | p8score_ci_low | p8score_ci_upp |
202223 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | Revised | Pupil residency | State-funded schools (LA) | 0-10% | Rural | Total | 284 | 1517 | 57133 | 37.7 | 1418 | 93.5 | 436 | 28.7 | 715 | 47.1 | 353 | 23.3 | 116 | 7.6 | 186 | 12.3 | 4790.6 | 3.16 | 1467 | -891.645 | -0.61 | -0.68 | -0.54 | ||
202223 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | Revised | Pupil residency | State-funded schools (LA) | 0-10% | Total | Total | 3111 | 71908 | 2744589.13 | 38.2 | 67593 | 94 | 21449 | 29.8 | 35445 | 49.3 | 22516 | 31.3 | 6624 | 9.2 | 10667 | 14.8 | 233769.01 | 3.25 | 67706 | -30931.085 | -0.46 | -0.47 | -0.45 | ||
202223 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | Revised | Pupil residency | State-funded schools (LA) | 0-10% | Urban | Total | 3074 | 70391 | 2687456.13 | 38.2 | 66175 | 94 | 21013 | 29.9 | 34730 | 49.3 | 22163 | 31.5 | 6508 | 9.2 | 10481 | 14.9 | 228978.41 | 3.25 | 66239 | -30039.44 | -0.45 | -0.46 | -0.44 | ||
202223 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | Revised | Pupil residency | State-funded schools (LA) | 10-20% | Rural | Total | 464 | 2576 | 102379.5 | 39.7 | 2455 | 95.3 | 824 | 32 | 1401 | 54.4 | 670 | 26 | 219 | 8.5 | 354 | 13.7 | 8627.16 | 3.35 | 2491 | -924.671 | -0.37 | -0.43 | -0.32 | ||
202223 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | Revised | Pupil residency | State-funded schools (LA) | 10-20% | Total | Total | 3532 | 67876 | 2815067.01 | 41.5 | 64639 | 95.2 | 24416 | 36 | 37837 | 55.7 | 24472 | 36.1 | 8126 | 12 | 12611 | 18.6 | 243178.24 | 3.58 | 63656 | -14956.875 | -0.23 | -0.25 | -0.22 |
Variables in this data set
Variable name | Variable description |
avg_att8 | Average Attainment 8 score of all pupils |
avg_ebaccaps | Average EBacc APS score per pupil |
avg_p8score | Average Progress 8 score of all pupils |
idaci_decile | Income Deprivation Affecting Children Indices decile |
p8score_ci_low | Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval |
- All state-funded schools include local authority maintained mainstream schools, academies, free schools, city technology colleges, further education colleges with provision for 14 to 16 year-olds and state-funded special schools. They exclude independent schools, independent special schools, non-maintained special schools, hospital schools, pupil referral units and alternative provision. Alternative provision includes academy and free school alternative provision.
- Some zero percentages may represent small numbers due to rounding.
- z = When an observation is not applicable
- A Progress 8 score of 1.0 means pupils in the group make on average approximately a grade more progress than the national average; a score of -0.5 means they make on average approximately half a grade less progress than average. Progress 8 scores should be interpreted alongside the associated confidence intervals. If the lower bound of the confidence interval is greater than zero, it can be interpreted as meaning that the group achieves greater than average progress compared to pupils in mainstream schools nationally and that this is statistically significant. If the upper bound is negative, this means that the group achieves lower than average progress compared to pupils in mainstream schools nationally and that this is statistically significant.
- Reformed GCSEs were introduced in phases for first examination between 2017 and 2020. The last phase of reformed GCSEs was first examined in 2022. This was due to the cancellation of exams and assessments in summer 2020 and 2021 due to the impact of the pandemic. All GCSEs now use the 9-1 grading system. Results for 2020 and 2021 are not comparable with earlier years due to the cancellation of exams (due to Covid-19) and changes to way GCSE grades were awarded in those years. GCSE exams returned in 2022 and grades were awarded at a midpoint between 2021 and pre-pandemic grading. Changes were made to the methodology for calculating performance data due to the commitment not to use qualification results awarded between January 2020 and August 2021 in future measures. In 2023 there was a return to pre-pandemic grading, with some protections.
- Pupils not resident in England in 2022/23 and pupils with missing or invalid postcode information are excluded from the figures presented (999 pupils).
- The rural-urban classification of postcodes for 2023 are based on the 2011 classification of output areas released in August 2013. Census output areas forming settlements with populations of over 10,000 are defined as urban. The urban domain is further sub-divided into three broad morphological types based on the predominant settlement component. The remainder are defined as one of three rural types.
- Income Deprivation Affecting Children Indices. Each SOA in England is given a score which ranks it between 1 and 32,844, 1 being the most deprived. The IDACI score is based off the 2011 classifications, but the pupil residency code is based off the 2021 census, so this has resulted in some pupils not being matched to an IDACI score. These are marked as unknown.
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