Data set from Key stage 4 performance

National multi-academy trusts data by pupil characteristics

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Last updated
National level headline performance measures in multi-academy trusts by pupil characteristics and eligibility for MAT performance tables since 2021/22.

Data set details

School and college outcomes and performance
Key stage 4 performance
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Average Attainment 8 score
  • Average EBacc APS score
  • Average Progress 8 score
  • Performance tables eligibility of the academy
  • Academy type
  • Sex
Time period
2021/22 to 2023/24

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
202324Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedAll multi-academy trust schoolsEligibleMulti-academy trustsTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotal130723816310761734.1445.223321497.910433743.815149863.610255243.14091817.25980425.1958654.994.03222177-10377.997-0.05-0.05-0.04
202324Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedAll multi-academy trust schoolsEligibleMulti-academy trustsSexBoysBoysTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotal12651213875254648.943.311870397.850956427491361.74770639.316939142543221470448.163.88112942-17024.244-0.15-0.16-0.14
202324Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedAll multi-academy trust schoolsEligibleMulti-academy trustsSexGirlsGirlsTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotal12781167765507085.2447.211451198.15338145.77658565.654846472397920.53437229.4488206.834.181092356646.2470.060.050.07
202324Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedAll multi-academy trust schoolsEligibleMulti-academy trustsEthnicityAsianTotalAsianTotalTotalTotalTotalTotal1159279031458644.0252.32760298.91602457.42074474.31626858.3749026.81020536.6133370.234.782382612683.7490.530.510.55
202324Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedAll multi-academy trust schoolsEligibleMulti-academy trustsEthnicityAsian - Any other Asian backgroundTotalAsianAny other Asian backgroundTotalTotalTotalTotal9274251222102.2552.2416698250458.9319475.1222552.3110726149135.120277.734.7733082325.7810.70.650.75

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 32 variables
Variable nameVariable description
avg_att8Average Attainment 8 score
avg_ebaccapsAverage EBacc APS score
avg_p8scoreAverage Progress 8 score
disadvantageDisadvantaged status
establishment_type_groupAcademy type


  1. Pupils at university technical colleges (UTCs), studio schools and further education colleges with key stage 4 provision typically attend that school for only 2 years, compared to 5 years for pupils in most secondary schools. These establishments also offer specialist curriculum. As a result, the Progress 8 data for these schools is not directly comparable with the Progress 8 data for other schools. The government’s position is that it is not appropriate to expect the same rates of EBacc entry from these types of provision and that each school should decide on a case by case basis whether its specialist curriculum is compatible with the full EBacc. This should be borne in mind when reviewing the performance data for these types of provisions.
  2. Sub totals for EAL and SEN breakdowns may not sum to the grand total due to a small number of pupils with missing information.
  3. Unclassified includes pupils for whom the information was not obtained, refused or could not be determined.
  4. A Progress 8 score of 1.0 means pupils make on average a grade more progress than the national average of pupils with similar KS2 prior attainment in mainstream schools. Progress 8 should be interpreted alongside the associated confidence intervals. If the confidence intervals cross 0, then progress is not significantly different compared to pupils with similar KS2 prior attainment in mainstream schools.
  5. Multi-academy trusts (MAT) were eligible for the MAT performance measures if they had at least three mainstream academies with results at KS4 and those academies had been in the MAT for at least three full academic years (since 12 September 2021).

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