Data set from Education provision: children under 5 years of age

3A National number of providers and children by provider type (detailed)

Not the latest data
Last updated

The number of providers and children by provider type, presented nationally to allow smaller breakdowns in provider type. 

Data set details

Early years
Education provision: children under 5 years of age
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Number of providers
  • Number of registered children
  • Age
  • Type of entitlement
  • Type of provider
Time period
2018 to 2022

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
2022Reporting yearNationalE92000001England2-year-olds15-hour entitlementAll providers22074135410
2022Reporting yearNationalE92000001England2-year-olds15-hour entitlementAll providers excluding childminders17937129175
2022Reporting yearNationalE92000001England2-year-olds15-hour entitlementPrivate and voluntary providers15258102905
2022Reporting yearNationalE92000001England2-year-olds15-hour entitlementEarly years childcare providers14920100997
2022Reporting yearNationalE92000001England2-year-olds15-hour entitlementSure start children's centre2221634

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 5 variables
Variable nameVariable description
entitlement_typeType of entitlement
number_of_childrenNumber of registered children
number_of_providersNumber of providers
type_of_providerType of provider


  1. Data collected in 2021 (and to a lesser extent 2022) was affected by the impact of COVID-19 uncertainty on providers and parents. Further information is available in the methodology note.
  2. Since 2019, a data cleaning exercise with local authorities has improved data quality. Provider types are now more accurately recorded and caution should be taken when comparing across time.
  3. Children who split their entitlement across more than one private, voluntary or independent provider are only counted at the provider where they spend the majority of their time.

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