Data set from LEO Graduate and Postgraduate Outcomes

International Countries data

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Last updated


Underlying data file for international section of LEO: Graduate and postgraduate outcomes publication


Employment and earnings outcomes for countries with top 20 largest first degree and level 7 cohorts (2018/19 academic year) of English Higher Education providers, one, three and five years after graduation (YAG), 2014/15 to 2020/21 tax years.

File formats and conventions


Files are Comma Separated Value (CSV)


  • Earnings figures are rounded to the nearest £100
  • Employment outcome percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%
  • All populations are rounded to the nearest 5 full-person equivalent (FPE) individuals
  • c = data has been supressed due to small numbers. z = there is no result (N/A)

Data set details

Higher education
LEO Graduate and Postgraduate Outcomes
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Activity not captured
  • Further study with or without sustained employment
  • Graduates
  • Country name
  • Domicile
  • Graduate sex
Time period
2014-15 to 2020-21

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201415Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain2008/20095 YAGFemale + maleBulgariaEUFirst-degree12512038.347521.7533.334.2351.740241003200047400
201415Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain2008/20095 YAGFemale + maleCanadaNon-EUFirst-degree39538046.73.120526.84.216.520.722.35.855199003430051700
201415Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain2008/20095 YAGFemale + maleChinaNon-EUFirst-degree60355950611.4232027.
201415Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain2008/20095 YAGFemale + maleCyprusEUFirst-degree1705168066.81.456013.32.311.414.717.76.3180208003250048200
201415Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain2008/20095 YAGFemale + maleGermanyEUFirst-degree1875176054.56.280017.92.518.523.125.16.6300215003100043400

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 20 variables
Variable nameVariable description
activity_not_capturedActivity not captured
countryCountry name - Filter by Country name
domicileDomicile - Filter by Domicile
earnings_includeGraduates included in earnings figures
earnings_LQLower quartile of earnings of graduates


  1. All populations are rounded to the nearest 5 full-person equivalent (FPE) individuals
  2. Employment outcome percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%
  3. Earnings figures are rounded to the nearest £100
  4. In contrast to the UK domicile section of this release, which looks at matched graduates only, employment and/or further study outcomes for international graduates are calculated as a percentage of all graduates, excluding only those identified by DWP/HMRC or SLC as permanently living overseas.
  5. The top 20 countries by graduate population were calculated from the 2019/20 tax year, one year after graduation (2017/18 academic year). These countries were used for subsequent analysis to allow for comparison between the remaining tax and academic years.
  6. c = data has been supressed due to small numbers. z = there is no result (N/A)
  7. In the 2020/21 tax year, 1 YAG (one year after graduation) relates to those who graduated in the 2018/19 academic year, 3 YAG to graduates in 2016/17, 5 YAG to graduates in 2014/15 and 10 YAG to graduates in 2009/10.

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