Data set from Key stage 4 destination measures

Key stage 4 leavers institution level destinations

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Key stage 4 study leavers institution level destinations data by location, student characteristics and provider type

Data set details

Destination of pupils and students
Key stage 4 destination measures
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Activity not captured
  • Further education
  • Not recorded as a sustained destination
  • Data type
  • Institution group
  • Student characteristic
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
202223Academic yearSchoolE92000001EnglandE12000003Yorkshire and The Humber371E08000017DoncasterNone37170023717002Doncaster School for the DeafNot collectedMixedState-funded (inc. non-maintained) special schoolsNon-Maintained Special SchoolSexFemaleNumber of pupilsRevised1cccccccccc
202223Academic yearSchoolE92000001EnglandE12000003Yorkshire and The Humber371E08000017DoncasterNone37170023717002Doncaster School for the DeafNot collectedMixedState-funded (inc. non-maintained) special schoolsNon-Maintained Special SchoolSexMaleNumber of pupilsRevised1cccccccccc
202223Academic yearSchoolE92000001EnglandE12000003Yorkshire and The Humber371E08000017DoncasterNone37170023717002Doncaster School for the DeafNot collectedMixedState-funded (inc. non-maintained) special schoolsNon-Maintained Special SchoolDisadvantage statusNot disadvantagedNumber of pupilsRevisedccccccccccc
202223Academic yearSchoolE92000001EnglandE12000003Yorkshire and The Humber371E08000017DoncasterNone37170023717002Doncaster School for the DeafNot collectedMixedState-funded (inc. non-maintained) special schoolsNon-Maintained Special SchoolDisadvantage statusDisadvantagedNumber of pupilsRevisedccccccccccc
202223Academic yearSchoolE92000001EnglandE12000003Yorkshire and The Humber371E08000017DoncasterNone37170023717002Doncaster School for the DeafNot collectedMixedState-funded (inc. non-maintained) special schoolsNon-Maintained Special SchoolTotalTotalNumber of pupilsRevised2cccccccccc

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 14 variables
Variable nameVariable description
all_notsustNot recorded as a sustained destination
all_unknownActivity not captured
all_workSustained employment destination
apprenSustained apprenticeships
breakdownStudent characteristic


  1. Disadvantaged pupils include pupils known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM) in any spring, autumn, summer, alternative provision or pupil referral unit census from year 6 to year 11, or that are looked after children for at least one day, or are adopted from care.
  2. Other education destinations include independent schools, specialist post-16 institutions, special schools and education combination destination.
  3. Alternative provision includes state place funded alternative provision (Pupil Referral Units, AP academies, AP free schools, and hospital schools) and other alternative provision (education funded by the local authority outside of state place funded schools, including independent schools, non-maintained special schools, and providers that do not meet the criteria for registration as a school).
  4. 'State-funded (inc. non-maintained) special schools' includes all state-funded special schools (including community special schools, foundation special schools, special sponsored academies, special converter academies and special free schools) and non-maintained special schools.
  5. 'Not recorded as a sustained destination' includes pupils who were captured in the source data and had some participation in the academic year but did not complete the required six months sustained participation.
  6. Activity not being captured means the student was not found to have any participation in education, apprenticeship or employment nor recorded as receiving out-of-work benefits at any point in the year. Possible reasons for this could be that the pupil was living, working or studying abroad or was attending a Scottish or Welsh college or school.
  7. State-funded mainstream schools include community schools, voluntary aided schools, voluntary controlled schools, foundation schools, academies, free schools, city technology colleges and further education colleges with provision for 14- to 16-year-olds.

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