Data set from Multiplication tables check attainment

National school characteristics

Latest data
Last updated
This file contains data on the attainment of pupils in the multiplication tables check assessment in England, broken down by school characteristics. Data in this file is broken down by the following school characteristics: school type, school phase and religious character.

Data set details

School and college outcomes and performance
Multiplication tables check attainment
Release type
Geographic levels
  • 0
  • 1
  • 10
  • Characteristics breakdown
  • Sex
  • Type of school
Time period
2021/22 to 2023/24

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
202122Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandSchool phaseHighest statutory age 8 to 11State-funded mainstream schoolsBoys1547432298331225510728920173919724482182771532513460121441113210349960790868500773670826398554446974108317723291688142211528489401558192115196417247624625634520973281286544333332222111110000010200
202122Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandSchool phaseHighest statutory age 8 to 11State-funded mainstream schoolsGirls1545131230930458277277825936223232471808215152136681245711833112501057210103977391408247734664665433463734212383160812531015762901135117297744386252586595432019.5982251276544443333322211110000010100
202122Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandSchool phaseHighest statutory age 8 to 11State-funded mainstream schoolsTotal155096352926168371845517027675420477293635930477271282460122965215992017919189182731687615329137441201010130874565984712329626752167161018412909365022931080349912101221066519.8973271286544433333222211110000010200
202122Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandSchool phaseHighest statutory age greater than 11State-funded mainstream schoolsBoys14742064093113146459331722217316314413512210110295705763604037352516111011918252559138573920.9973351485443332222111111100000011100
202122Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandSchool phaseHighest statutory age greater than 11State-funded mainstream schoolsGirls14741774090871241580293235175151155138128142130111981007566664451441410710818151351628261520.2982301476444333332222211100000000100

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 73 variables
Variable nameVariable description
breakdownCharacteristics breakdown
establishment_type_groupType of school
mtc_average_scoreAverage attainment score
no_schoolsNumber of schools
pt_mtc_absentPercentage of pupils absent


  1. Average scores have been rounded to one decimal place.
  2. Average scores exclude pupils who did not take the check.
  3. Percentages have been rounded to nearest whole number, so may not sum to 100.
  4. State-funded schools and alternative provision includes community schools, voluntary aided schools, voluntary controlled schools, foundation schools, sponsored academies, converter academies, free schools, community special schools, foundation special schools, special sponsor-led academies, special converter academies, special free schools, pupil referral units, academy alternative provision and free school alternative provision.
  5. State-funded schools include community schools, voluntary aided schools, voluntary controlled schools, foundation schools, sponsored academies, converter academies, free schools, community special schools, foundation special schools, special sponsor-led academies, special converter academies and special free schools.
  6. State-funded mainstream schools include community schools, voluntary aided schools, voluntary controlled schools, foundation schools, sponsored academies (mainstream), converter academies (mainstream) and free schools (mainstream)
  7. State-funded special schools include community special schools, foundation special schools, special sponsor-led academies, special converter academies and special free schools
  8. Academies and free schools includes sponsored academies, converter academies and free schools.
  9. Alternative provision includes pupil referral units, academy alternative provision, community hospital schools, and free school alternative provision
  10. Local authority maintained schools include community schools, voluntary aided schools, voluntary controlled schools and foundation schools
  11. Pupils absent for the entire check period, unable to participate even when using access arrangements, just arrived in school, working below the national curriculum expectation for year 2 in multiplication tables and have left the school or appear on the register in error, are excluded from the number of pupils who took the check.
  12. Religious character, school phase and school type is taken from the GIAS (Get information about schools) website and are given as at 12 September at the start of the academic year, and is the legal designation of each school.
  13. The school religious characteristic other Christian Faith includes schools of mixed denomination or other Christian beliefs (e.g. Greek Orthodox).

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