Data set from Outcomes of children in need, including looked after children

Progress 8

Latest data
Last updated

Data set details

Children's social care
Outcomes of children in need, including looked after children
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Lower confidence interval
  • Progress 8 score
  • Upper confidence interval
  • Social care group
  • Special Educational Needs category
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
NationalE92000001England201819Academic yearAll PupilsAll pupils (SEN and non SEN)-0.03-0.03-0.02
NationalE92000001England201819Academic yearAll PupilsAll SEN-0.62-0.63-0.61
NationalE92000001England201819Academic yearAll PupilsNo identified SEN0.080.070.08
NationalE92000001England201819Academic yearAll PupilsSEN Statement or Education, Health and Care plans (EHCP)-1.17-1.19-1.16
NationalE92000001England201819Academic yearAll PupilsSEN support-0.43-0.44-0.42

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 5 variables
Variable nameVariable description
Average.Progress.8.score5Progress 8 score
Lower.confidence.interval5Lower confidence interval
sen_categorySpecial Educational Needs category
social_care_groupSocial care group
Upper.confidence.interval5Upper confidence interval

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