Data set from Key stage 4 performance

Subject timeseries data

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National level time series from 2009/10 to the latest year for entries into individual GCSE subjects broken down by gender and grades received in all schools.

Data set details

School and college outcomes and performance
Key stage 4 performance
Release type
Geographic levels
  • The percentage of entries achieving the designated grade
  • The number of entries into each exam
  • Sex
  • The subject pupils are entered for
  • The grade achieved
Time period
2009/10 to 2023/24

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
202324Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandProvisionalAll schoolsAll SubjectsBoys246773191AstarG96.9
202324Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandProvisionalAll schoolsAll SubjectsGirls243877291AstarG98
202324Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandProvisionalAll schoolsAll SubjectsTotal490650391AstarG97.5
202324Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandProvisionalAll schoolsAll SubjectsBoys246773194AstarC67.9
202324Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandProvisionalAll schoolsAll SubjectsGirls243877294AstarC74.9

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 5 variables
Variable nameVariable description
gradeThe grade achieved
percentage_achievingThe percentage of entries achieving the designated grade
subjectThe subject pupils are entered for
total_exam_entriesThe number of entries into each exam


  1. Discounting has been applied. For further information please see the discounting guidance ( (opens in a new tab)).
  2. Total number of entries includes entries awarded U and X grades.
  3. Combined Science GCSE is a Double Award and is included in this table for the purpose of comparison with other Science subjects.
  4. For pupils at the end of KS4 in 2023/24, where pupils achieved qualifications in subjects between January 2020 and August 2021, we will not use results from these qualifications. The entries into the qualifications are still counted.
  5. c = a cell that has been suppressed due to low number of pupils. Suppression was applied where deemed necessary for all data up to 2018/19. For 2019/20, DfE suppression policy changed. For 2020 and 2021 results where a geographical area contains only one school (for example Isles of Scilly) the data for that area has been suppressed. This is in line with the announcement that school level data would not be published using either summer 2020 or summer 2021 exam grades awarded. Data has not being supressed at local authority or national level from 2022 onwards.
  6. In 2017, new reformed GCSEs (which use the 9-1 grade scale) were introduced into secondary school performance tables in a phased approach. Unreformed subjects continued to be graded using the A* to G system. From 2020 onwards all GCSEs are now reformed and use the 9-1 grading scale.
  7. Where subjects have been combined into a group (e.g. Other Modern Languages) and a pupil has two or more entries, each result in each subject is counted.
  8. Only GCSEs and established GCSE equivalents (Cambridge International certificates and Edexcel level 1/2 certificates) are included in this data. Excludes Double Awards.

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