Data set from Supply of skills for jobs in science and technology

UK STEM employment by occupation

Latest data
Last updated

Employment data for each SOC Unit group (4 digit) from Annual Population Survey July 2022 - June 2023, sourced from ONS NOMIS:

  • Employment volumes, rounded to nearest 100
  • Female % of employment
  • Annual % growth from July 2021-June 2022 data

Data set details

Further education
Supply of skills for jobs in science and technology
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Employment
  • Employment growth
  • Female percent
  • Occupation
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
2023Calendar yearNationalK02000001United KingdomAll occupations SOC2020326903000.00655222847.7166009
2023Calendar yearNationalK02000001United KingdomProduction managers and directors in manufacturing SOC20202581000.02951735116.2340178
2023Calendar yearNationalK02000001United KingdomProduction managers and directors in construction SOC2020161400-0.10133630311.2763321
2023Calendar yearNationalK02000001United KingdomProduction managers and directors in mining and energy SOC202013800-0.5018050548.6956522
2023Calendar yearNationalK02000001United KingdomOfficers in armed forces SOC202030300-0.13920454514.1914191

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 4 variables
Variable nameVariable description
Employment_growthEmployment growth
Female_percentFemale percent
OccupationOccupation - Filter by occupation


  1. Not STEM includes Medicine and Health.

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