Data set from Key stage 2 attainment

Attainment by region, local authority and pupil characteristics

Latest data
Last updated
This file contains data on the attainment of pupils in key stage 2 assessments in England, broken down by region, local authority and pupil characteristics.

Data set details

School and college outcomes and performance
Key stage 2 attainment
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National, Regional
  • Grammar, punctuation and spelling average scaled score
  • Maths average scaled score
  • Number of eligible pupils in grammar, punctuation and spelling
  • Characteristics of each group
  • Gender
Time period
2018/19 to 2023/24

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201819Academic yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE12000001North East390E08000037GatesheadFinal00SEN statusAll SENState-funded schoolsBoys642596122591151810031130z21421099259102201144210z2162140525912433924210z2162160725991396251714474zzz0z1025911314510241447391250z99398441600z994813361600z100351371075232zzz0z00445600
201819Academic yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE12000001North East390E08000037GatesheadFinal00SEN statusAll SENState-funded schoolsGirls581513711516513671081z132130101516611671521z13313173151618711531z132129281516755113131032zzz0z1015158921025143944751z99447441011z99405471021z9844334991021zzz0z10386110
201819Academic yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE12000001North East390E08000037GatesheadFinal00SEN statusAll SENState-funded schoolsTotal674109834101803116741211z34634109410168311815731z34934578410185411635741z3483453541015881473830154106zzz0z2041017123720241448411050z99418441410z994510401410z9939236974121zzz0z00425800
201819Academic yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE12000001North East390E08000037GatesheadFinal00Ethnicity majorAny other ethnic groupState-funded schoolsBoys14157115727100z14139015985100z141481151054100z14147015824210000zzz0z00157800477471347700z99605333700z106673327700z1055313271370000zzz0z00475300
201819Academic yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE12000001North East390E08000037GatesheadFinal00Ethnicity majorAny other ethnic groupState-funded schoolsGirls1218152181790100z171864181790100z171883181651100z171821181621000001zzz0z001816200831194500600z11094500600z11189286600z10789116000006zzz0z00891100

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 104 variables
Variable nameVariable description
avg_gps_scaled_scoreGrammar, punctuation and spelling average scaled score
avg_mat_scaled_scoreMaths average scaled score
avg_read_scaled_scoreReading average scaled score
breakdownCharacteristics of each group


  1. Figures for 2024 are based on provisional data. Figures for other years are based on final data.
  2. Science teacher assessment measures from 2019 onwards are not directly comparable to previous years due to changes in the science teacher assessment frameworks.
  3. Local authority codes may be shown where they have changed since 2016.

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