Data set from Education provision: children under 5 years of age

4 Children registered by ethnicity and SEN provision

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Last updated
Number of children registered for government-funded early years provision by age, year group, ethnicity and SEN provision.

Data set details

Early years
Education provision: children under 5 years of age
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National, Regional
  • Number of registered children
  • Percentage of registered children
  • Entitlement type and year group
  • Age
  • Major ethnic group
Time period
2018 to 2024

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
2024Reporting yearNationalE92000001England15-hour entitlementTotalTotalTotalTotalTotal1285393100
2024Reporting yearNationalE92000001England15-hour entitlementTotalTotalTotalNo identified SENTotal117545591.4
2024Reporting yearNationalE92000001England15-hour entitlementTotalTotalTotalSENTotal1099388.6
2024Reporting yearNationalE92000001England15-hour entitlementTotalTotalTotalSENSEN support904097
2024Reporting yearNationalE92000001England15-hour entitlementTotalTotalTotalSENEHC plan195291.5

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 6 variables
Variable nameVariable description
ethnicity_majorMajor ethnic group - Cross-tabulations with SEN available at national level only
number_childrenNumber of registered children
percentage_childrenPercentage of registered children
sen_provisionSpecial educational needs (SEN) provision - Cross-tabulations with ethnicity available at national level only


  1. Children attending a general hospital school and a small number of children attending a special school do not follow the national curriculum. These children are included in totals but not breakdowns by year group.
  2. A very small number of children under 5 years of age are registered in a higher year group than reception. This may be because the local authority has agreed it would be beneficial to the child, or for another reason. These children have been included in the reception category.
  3. The 'Unknown' category describes cases where the child's ethnicity was refused or not obtained. These children are included in the 'Total' numbers.
  4. No data on ethnicity or SEN provision is available for children registered at general hospital schools.
  5. Data collected in 2021 (and to a lesser extent 2022) was affected by the impact of COVID-19 uncertainty on providers and parents. Further information is available in the methodology note.
  6. In some years, data for a small number of local authorities is of low reliability due to error. See methodology for more details.

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