Table 1E - Daily workforce attendance and absence in education settings during the COVID-19 outbreak (data for 11 Jan 2021 onwards)
This file contains workforce absence statistics for education settings from 11 January. Data is not comparable to workforce absence estimates collected in the autumn term.
Data is in this file has been scaled to account for non-response so it is nationally representative.
On this page
Data set details
- Theme
- COVID-19
- Publication
- Attendance in education and early years settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
- Release
- Week 6 2021
- Release type
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Number of teachers and school leaders attending on site in open schools
- Number of teachers and school leaders in open schools self isolating and cannot teach remotely due to potential contact with a case of COVID19 inside the school
- Number of teachers and school leaders in open schools self isolating and cannot teach remotely due to potential contact with a case of COVID19 outside the school
- Filters
- Date
- Phase of education
- Time period
- 2021 Week 2 to 2021 Week 5
Data set preview
time_period | time_identifier | geographic_level | country_code | country_name | date | phase | Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_attending_on_site_in_open_schools | Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_on_roll_in_open_schools | Proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_attending_on_site_in_open_schools | Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_on_roll_in_closed_schools | Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_a_suspected_case_of_COVID19 | Proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_a_suspected_case_of_COVID19 | Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_a_confirmed_case_of_COVID19 | Proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_a_confirmed_case_of_COVID19 | Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_in_open_schools_self_isolating_and_cannot_teach_remotely_due_to_potential_contact_with_a_case_of_COVID19_inside_the_school | Proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_in_open_schools_self_isolating_and_cannot_teach_remotely_due_to_potential_contact_with_a_case_of_COVID19_inside_the_school | Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_in_open_schools_self_isolating_and_cannot_teach_remotely_due_to_potential_contact_with_a_case_of_COVID19_outside_the_school | Proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_in_open_schools_self_isolating_and_cannot_teach_remotely_due_to_potential_contact_with_a_case_of_COVID19_outside_the_school | Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_non_COVID_reasons | Proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_non_COVID_reasons | Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools | Proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools | Number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_attending_on_site_in_open_schools | Number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_on_roll_in_open_schools | Proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_attending_on_site_in_open_schools | Number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_on_roll_in_closed_schools | Number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_a_suspected_case_of_COVID19 | Proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_a_suspected_case_of_COVID19 | Number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_a_confirmed_case_of_COVID19 | Proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_a_confirmed_case_of_COVID19 | Number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_in_open_schools_self_isolating_and_cannot_teach_remotely_due_to_potential_contact_with_a_case_of_COVID19_inside_the_school | Proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_in_open_schools_self_isolating_and_cannot_teach_remotely_due_to_potential_contact_with_a_case_of_COVID19_inside_the_school | Number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_in_open_schools_self_isolating_and_cannot_teach_remotely_due_to_potential_contact_with_a_case_of_COVID19_outside_the_school | Proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_in_open_schools_self_isolating_and_cannot_teach_remotely_due_to_potential_contact_with_a_case_of_COVID19_outside_the_school | Number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_non_COVID_reasons | Proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_non_COVID_reasons | Number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools | Proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools |
2021 | Week 2 | National | E92000001 | England | 11/01/2021 | State-funded alternative provision | 3083 | 5294 | 58.2 | 115 | 21 | 0.4 | 84 | 1.6 | 73 | 1.4 | 72 | 1.4 | 388 | 7.3 | 638 | 12 | 3511 | 6235 | 56.3 | 147 | 28 | 0.5 | 97 | 1.6 | 73 | 1.2 | 79 | 1.3 | 450 | 7.2 | 728 | 11.7 |
2021 | Week 2 | National | E92000001 | England | 11/01/2021 | State-funded primary | 132814 | 261478 | 50.8 | 1371 | 794 | 0.3 | 2525 | 1 | 2209 | 0.8 | 2080 | 0.8 | 13119 | 5 | 20726 | 7.9 | 258370 | 446246 | 57.9 | 2296 | 1486 | 0.3 | 4938 | 1.1 | 4230 | 0.9 | 5256 | 1.2 | 26879 | 6 | 42788 | 9.6 |
2021 | Week 2 | National | E92000001 | England | 11/01/2021 | State-funded secondary | 60993 | 237080 | 25.7 | 1120 | 386 | 0.2 | 1760 | 0.7 | 485 | 0.2 | 1328 | 0.6 | 5339 | 2.3 | 9298 | 3.9 | 68379 | 196285 | 34.8 | 1005 | 330 | 0.2 | 1449 | 0.7 | 479 | 0.2 | 1434 | 0.7 | 5131 | 2.6 | 8823 | 4.5 |
2021 | Week 2 | National | E92000001 | England | 11/01/2021 | State-funded special | 14330 | 22320 | 64.2 | 575 | 83 | 0.4 | 284 | 1.3 | 248 | 1.1 | 308 | 1.4 | 1564 | 7 | 2486 | 11.1 | 40656 | 68455 | 59.4 | 1515 | 257 | 0.4 | 951 | 1.4 | 766 | 1.1 | 1228 | 1.8 | 6099 | 8.9 | 9301 | 13.6 |
2021 | Week 2 | National | E92000001 | England | 11/01/2021 | State-funded schools | 211220 | 526172 | 40.1 | 3180 | 1284 | 0.2 | 4653 | 0.9 | 3015 | 0.6 | 3788 | 0.7 | 20409 | 3.9 | 33149 | 6.3 | 370916 | 717222 | 51.7 | 4964 | 2101 | 0.3 | 7434 | 1 | 5549 | 0.8 | 7997 | 1.1 | 38559 | 5.4 | 61639 | 8.6 |
Variables in this data set
Variable name | Variable description |
date | Date |
Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_attending_on_site_in_open_schools | Number of teachers and school leaders attending on site in open schools |
Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_in_open_schools_self_isolating_and_cannot_teach_remotely_due_to_potential_contact_with_a_case_of_COVID19_inside_the_school | Number of teachers and school leaders in open schools self isolating and cannot teach remotely due to potential contact with a case of COVID19 inside the school |
Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_in_open_schools_self_isolating_and_cannot_teach_remotely_due_to_potential_contact_with_a_case_of_COVID19_outside_the_school | Number of teachers and school leaders in open schools self isolating and cannot teach remotely due to potential contact with a case of COVID19 outside the school |
Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_on_roll_in_closed_schools | Number of teachers and school leaders on roll in closed schools |
- Due to poor weather conditions in parts of England, there was an increase in non-COVID related closures on 25 and 26 January.
- The purpose of this data collection is primarily to understand attendance and teacher availability. This data is reported directly by schools via DfE's daily education settings survey. It is not the primary source of data on infection, incidence and COVID-19 cases overall. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) published an analysis of the number of school workers who have had COVID-19 within their Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey publication on 6 November.
- All national level figures are adjusted for non-response. Regional and local authority level figures are based on responding schools only. See accompanying document for full methodology.
- Since January, lateral flow devices have been provided to all schools and schools can offer workforce who are on-site access to two rapid results tests every week. Rates of confirmed cases and self-isolation among workforce may be impacted by levels of testing.
- It is possible that some schools have continued to report COVID-related absences in the spring term for affected staff who are working remotely in the same way as the autumn term. We therefore advise caution in interpreting these estimates.
- Absence rates for teaching assistants and other staff are likely to be less robust as more work part-time. There are likely to be inconsistencies in how schools treat part time staff in their reported data, for example some may update their on roll numbers daily to account for part-time staff ‘expected’ to be on-site and others may not.
- From 5 January, schools were asked to provide remote education for the majority of pupils which enabled many staff to work remotely. Therefore data on reasons for workforce absence are collected where staff are unable to teach on-site or remotely from 11 January. This means that staff who have a confirmed or suspected case of coronavirus or who are self-isolating but can work remotely are not included in these figures. In the 2020/21 autumn term, when schools were asked to open for all pupils, data on reasons for workforce absence were collected for all staff unable to work on-site. Therefore, figures from 11 January are not comparable to data on workforce absence collected in the autumn term.
- The following education settings are included: academies (including free schools and studio schools), local authority maintained schools (excluding local authority nursery schools), non-maintained special schools, alternative provision and university technical colleges.
- Workforce data, including workforce number on roll information which is needed in order to calculate percentages, was collected from 12 October.
- Staff in schools with higher levels of pupil attendance may be less able to work remotely. Teaching assistants and other staff include staff who are essential to the running of schools such as administrative, catering, cleaning and maintenance staff, midday supervisors and technicians. These roles may be more difficult to carry out remotely, which may explain why these staff have both higher rates of on-site attendance and higher rates of staff unable to work on-site or remotely in primary and secondary schools.
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