Data set from Education provision: children under 5 years of age

3 Children registered by disadvantaged status

Latest data
Last updated
Number of disadvantaged children registered for government-funded early years provision, by age, disadvantage type and basis for funding.

Data set details

Early years
Education provision: children under 5 years of age
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National, Regional
  • Number of registered children
  • Percentage of registered children
  • Age
  • Disadvantage type
  • Basis for funding
Time period
2018 to 2024

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
2024Reporting yearNationalE92000001England15-hour entitlementTotalTotalTotalTotal293632100
2024Reporting yearNationalE92000001England15-hour entitlementTotalTotalTotalEconomic reasons28074295.6
2024Reporting yearNationalE92000001England15-hour entitlementTotalTotalTotalHigh level SEND18910.6
2024Reporting yearNationalE92000001England15-hour entitlementTotalTotalTotalLooked after or adopted from care82392.8
2024Reporting yearNationalE92000001England15-hour entitlementTotalTotalTotalMultiple reasons26660.9

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 5 variables
Variable nameVariable description
basis_for_fundingBasis for funding
disadvantage_typeDisadvantage type
number_childrenNumber of registered children
percentage_childrenPercentage of registered children


  1. When children join a state-funded reception class, they cease to be eligible for early years pupil premium, so these statistics also identify children who are in reception and eligible for free school meals. Children who are not in reception but do attend state-funded nursery provision full-time may also be eligible for free school meals. However, these relatively small numbers are not included in this table as they are likely to be registered for the 15-hour entitlement for 2-year-olds or be in receipt of early years pupil premium.
  2. No data on early years pupil premium or free school meals is available for children registered at general hospital schools.
  3. Economic eligibility criteria are not identical across the 15-hour entitlement for disadvantaged 2-year-olds, early years pupil premium (EYPP), and free school meals (FSM). The income threshold for Universal Credit claimants is higher for the 2-year-old entitlement than it is for EYPP and FSM, and children from families with no recourse to public funds are eligible for the 2-year-old entitlement and FSM but not EYPP.
  4. A very small number of children under 5 years of age are registered in a higher year group than reception. This may be because the local authority has agreed it would be beneficial to the child, or for another reason. These children have been included in the reception category.
  5. Children can be counted under more than one basis for funding if more than one applies.
  6. Data collected in 2021 (and to a lesser extent 2022) was affected by the impact of COVID-19 uncertainty on providers and parents. Further information is available in the methodology note.
  7. In some years, data for a small number of local authorities is of low reliability due to error. See methodology for more details.

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