Data set from LEO Graduate and Postgraduate Outcomes

Headline figures

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Last updated


Headline statistics for LEO: Graduate and postgraduate outcomes publication


Headline employment and earnings outcomes for UK domiciled graduates and postgraduates of English Higher Education (HE) providers, five years after graduation (YAG), 2020/21 tax year.

File formats and conventions


Files are Comma Separated Value (CSV)


  • Earnings figures are rounded to the nearest £100
  • Employment outcome percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%

Data set details

Higher education
LEO Graduate and Postgraduate Outcomes
Release type
Geographic levels
  • EU domiciled median first degree graduate earnings five years after graduation
  • Female median earnings lower than male five years after graduation by
  • First degree graduates in sustained employment, further study or both five years after graduation
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 1 rows, from underlying data
202021Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain28800350004050086.886.784.12620011.8103280035400

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 11 variables
Variable nameVariable description
eu_median_fdEU domiciled median first degree graduate earnings five years after graduation
fsm_gapFree school meals (FSM) graduate median earnings lower than non-FSM five years after graduation by
gender_gapFemale median earnings lower than male five years after graduation by
median_nominal_fdMedian first degree graduate earnings five years after graduation
median_nominal_l7tMedian level 7 (taught) postgraduate earnings five years after graduation

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