Data set from Skills Bootcamps starts

Skills Bootcamp starts data

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Skills Bootcamps starts statistics

Financial year: 2022-23

Data set details

Further education
Skills Bootcamps starts
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Number of Skills Bootcamps starts (excluding HGV driving)
  • Number of Skills Bootcamps starts in HGV driving
  • Total number of Skills Bootcamps starts
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 1 rows, from underlying data
202223Financial yearNationalE92000001England40040571034330

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 3 variables
Variable nameVariable description
number_of_HGV_starts_FY2223Number of Skills Bootcamps starts in HGV driving
number_of_nonHGV_starts_FY2223Number of Skills Bootcamps starts (excluding HGV driving)
total_number_of_starts_FY2223Total number of Skills Bootcamps starts


  1. One person can enrol on more than one Skills Bootcamp. A start is an instance of training, not the number of individuals trained.

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