Data set from Suspensions and permanent exclusions in England

Permanent exclusions and suspensions - by term (2018-19 to 2021-22)

Not the latest data
Last updated

Number and percentage of permanent exclusions and suspensions and those pupils receiving one or more suspension by term. Includes 2018/19 to 2021/22 only.

Data set details

Pupils and schools
Suspensions and permanent exclusions in England
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National, Regional
  • Headcount
  • Number of schools
  • Permanent exclusions
  • School Type
Time period
2018/19 Autumn term to 2021/22 Summer term

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
Autumn term201819NationalE92000001England3424state-funded secondary332797026080.078371274113.82849
Spring term201819NationalE92000001England16776state-funded primary47270894130.00874222810.47135
Summer term201920NationalE92000001England3425state-funded secondary3409277360.001065810.01704
Summer term201920NationalE92000001England21248Total8255046400.0004811970.01450
Summer term202021NationalE92000001England21306Total829177217000.020501493421.80109

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 7 variables
Variable nameVariable description
num_schoolsNumber of schools
perm_exclPermanent exclusions
perm_excl_ratePermanent exclusions (rate)
school_typeSchool Type - State-funded primary, secondary and special


  1. For 2019/20 and 2020/21, while suspensions and permanent exclusions were possible throughout the academic year, pandemic restrictions will have had an impact on the numbers presented and caution should be taken when comparing across years.
  2. Headcount figures given correspond to the headcount in Spring term each year, and therefore rates for Autumn and Summer terms are calculated based on permanent exclusions and suspensions in those terms, but as a proportion of the spring headcount.

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