Data set from Children missing education

Children missing education at census date

Latest data
Last updated
The number of children missing education in England at the census date in each term, by sex, year group and length of time missing education.

Data set details

Pupils and schools
Children missing education
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National, Regional
  • Number of CME on census date
  • Percentage of CME on census date
  • Rate of CME on census day by population
  • CME on census date by characteristics
Time period
2022/23 Autumn term to 2024/25 Autumn term

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
202425Autumn termNationalE92000001EnglandTotalTotal392001000.5
202425Autumn termNationalE92000001EnglandSexFemale1760045x
202425Autumn termNationalE92000001EnglandSexMale2130054x
202425Autumn termNationalE92000001EnglandSexSex unknown3001x
202425Autumn termNationalE92000001EnglandYear groupReception6002x

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 4 variables
Variable nameVariable description
filterCME on census date by characteristics
numberNumber of CME on census date
pcPercentage of CME on census date
rateRate of CME on census day by population


  1. Local authority response rates to the data collection vary by census date. To account for non-response, where required national and regional figures have been uprated based on local authority pupil populations.
  2. CME counts will vary depending on the population within the local authority, which may change over time. Increased identification of CME may also result from improved recording and support practices within local authorities. High or low counts of CME do not necessarily reflect ‘good’ or ‘bad’ practice.
  3. A figure that rounds to 0, but is not 0 is denoted by 'low' - for rate of CME this is a figure less than 0.5%.

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