Data set from LEO Graduate and Postgraduate Outcomes

Industry data - 3 digit level

Not the latest data
Last updated


Underlying data file for graduate industry tables up to the 3-digit SIC code level.


Graduate populations of UK domiciled graduates of English Higher Education providers, one, three, five and ten years after graduation (YAG), 2020/21 tax year.

File formats and conventions


Files are Comma Separated Value (CSV)


  • Employment outcome percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%
  • All populations are rounded to the nearest 5 full-person equivalent (FPE) individuals
  • c = data has been supressed due to small numbers. x = there is no result (N/A)

Data set details

Higher education
LEO Graduate and Postgraduate Outcomes
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Median earnings
  • Number of graduates
  • Current region
  • Ethnicicty broad
  • Free school meal status
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
202021Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain1 YAGAccommodation and food service activitiesTotalTotalFirst degreeFemale + maleAgriculture, food and related studiesTotalTotalTotalTotal10014600
202021Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain1 YAGActivities of households as employers - undifferentiated goods-and services-producing activities of households for own useTotalTotalFirst degreeFemale + maleAgriculture, food and related studiesTotalTotalTotalTotal0c
202021Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain1 YAGAdministrative and support service activitiesTotalTotalFirst degreeFemale + maleAgriculture, food and related studiesTotalTotalTotalTotal10020100
202021Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain1 YAGAgriculture, forestry and fishingTotalTotalFirst degreeFemale + maleAgriculture, food and related studiesTotalTotalTotalTotal15023700
202021Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain1 YAGArts, entertainment and recreationTotalTotalFirst degreeFemale + maleAgriculture, food and related studiesTotalTotalTotalTotal4516800

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 13 variables
Variable nameVariable description
countNumber of graduates
current_regionCurrent region - Filter by current region of residence
earnings_medianMedian earnings
ethnicityEthnicicty broad - Filter by Ethnicity broad
FSMFree school meal status - Filter by Free school meal status

Using this data

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