Data set from Initial teacher training performance profiles

Table 7 - Early years ITT trainee early years teacher status outcomes by route and characteristics

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This national level table contains the early year teacher status outcomes of postgraduate early years ITT trainees by characteristics and the early year teacher status outcomes of undergraduate early years ITT trainees . The data in this table covers 2017/18 to 2022/23.

Data set details

Teachers and school workforce
Initial teacher training performance profiles
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Number of trainees
  • Percentage of trainees
  • Characteristics
  • EYTS status
Time period
2017/18 to 2022/23

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201718Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandPostgraduate totalAwarded EYTSTotalTotal48996
201718Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandPostgraduate totalAwarded EYTSRouteGraduate employment-based42096
201718Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandPostgraduate totalAwarded EYTSRouteGraduate entry6995
201718Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandPostgraduate totalAwarded EYTSAgeUnder 259296
201718Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandPostgraduate totalAwarded EYTSAge25 and over39795

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 4 variables
Variable nameVariable description
eyts_statusEYTS status
trainee_numberNumber of trainees
trainee_percentagePercentage of trainees


  1. Only trainees who have course outcomes are included, see methodology for further details.
  2. This publication was produced using data extracted from the Register Trainee Teachers service from the academic year of 2021/22. This is a move from the previous data source, DTTP (Database of Teacher Training Providers). See methodology for further details.
  3. Warning: percentages have been rounded and therefore may not sum to 100%.
  4. Trainees who were not awarded EYTS are those who ended their training during the year and either left the course before the end (excluding those who left the course within 90 days of the start) or did not meet the standards.
  5. The EYITT assessment only route is not included in this publication.
  6. Trainees' age is as recorded on 31st July 2023.
  7. Sex was previously reported as gender. This has been updated as it was previously mislabelled.
  8. From 2021/22, trainees who chose not to provide data on sex have been included in an 'Unknown' category. Prior to this they were included in 'Other'.
  9. Degree classes relate to postgraduate ITT trainees only. From 2021/22, where possible, the first UK degree awarded has been selected. If no UK degree was awarded, the first non-UK degree awarded was selected.
  10. Those with non-UK degrees or degree-equivalent qualifications are assigned UK style classifications where known.
  11. 'Upper second' degree class includes undivided second degree class.
  12. Other degree class includes third class honours degrees, and ‘ordinary’ or ‘general’ degrees awarded after a non-honours course, and degrees awarded after a non-honours course that was not available to be classified. It also includes other categories from non-UK degrees.
  13. Other ethnicity includes the Arab ethnic background.
  14. The EYITT table does not include undergraduates as the cohort figures are too low and would be suppressed. For 2022/23 there were 9 undergraduates who completed EYITT with a course outcome, 7 of which were awarded EYTS.

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