Data set from Education provision: children under 5 years of age

Early years provision ofsted ratings (2018 - 2020)

Not the latest data
Last updated

Data set details

Early years
Education provision: children under 5 years of age
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National, Regional
  • Number of three and four year olds benefiting
  • Number of two year olds benefiting
  • Per cent of three and four year olds benefiting
  • Ofsted inspection rating
  • Type of entitlement: funded or extended
Time period
2018 to 2020

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
2020Reporting yearNationalE92000001England Funded entitlementTotal143435.1271518.
2020Reporting yearNationalE92000001England Funded entitlementMatched Ofsted judgement1255401001179549100
2020Reporting yearNationalE92000001England Funded entitlementOfsted inspection rating - Outstanding284752328586824
2020Reporting yearNationalE92000001England Funded entitlementOfsted inspection rating - Good928647480392068
2020Reporting yearNationalE92000001England Funded entitlementOfsted inspection rating - Satisfactory33423697486

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 6 variables
Variable nameVariable description
2_year_olds_%Percent of two year olds benefiting
3_4_year_olds_%Per cent of three and four year olds benefiting
entitlement_typeType of entitlement: funded or extended - Select type of entitlement: funded or extended
number_2_year_oldsNumber of two year olds benefiting
number_3_4_year_oldsNumber of three and four year olds benefiting


  1. "Matched Ofsted judgement" -percentages are based upon 2-year-olds where we have matched their provider to Ofsted data and have identified an Ofsted inspection rating.
  2. The "No match" category includes registered independent schools who are not required to register with Ofsted, therefore are not expected to match to Ofsted inspection rating data. It also includes academy converters who have not yet been inspected under their new status.
  3. "No match" - percentage is based upon all 3 and 4-year-olds receiving funding.
  4. Count of children aged 3 and 4 at 31 December in the previous calendar year.
  5. "Matched Ofsted judgement" -percentages are based upon 3 and 4-year-olds where we have matched their provider to Ofsted data and have identified an Ofsted inspection rating.
  6. Before using this table please check the methodology section for important information such as definitions, limitations and caveats about the data that may not be included in these footnotes.
  7. "No match" - percentage is based upon all 2-year-olds receiving funding.
  8. Count of children aged 2 at 31 December in the previous calendar year.
  9. Excludes general hospital schools

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