Data set from Student loan forecasts for England

Table 11: Average loan outlay per academic year per higher education undergraduate student, by loan product

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Last updated

Forecast mean loan outlay per academic year per higher education undergraduate student, by loan product across 2021/22 to 2026/27

Data set details

Finance and funding
Student loan forecasts for England
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Average loan outlay per borrower per Academic Year
  • Loan product
  • Loan type
  • Plan type
Time period
2021/22 to 2026/27

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
Plan 1Plan 1 loansFee loan202122Academic yearNationalE92000001Englandz
Plan 1Plan 1 loansFee loan202223Academic yearNationalE92000001Englandz
Plan 1Plan 1 loansFee loan202324Academic yearNationalE92000001Englandz
Plan 1Plan 1 loansFee loan202425Academic yearNationalE92000001Englandz
Plan 1Plan 1 loansFee loan202526Academic yearNationalE92000001Englandz

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 4 variables
Variable nameVariable description
loan_productLoan product - Filter by loan product
loan_typeLoan type - Filter by loan type
outlay_per_borrower_£Average loan outlay per borrower per Academic Year
plan_typePlan type - Filter by plan type


  1. EU students and some part-time ( students are not eligible for Maintenance Loans.
  2. Where you see the symbol 'z' this refers to not applicable.
  3. Tuition fee cap has been frozen up to and including academic year 2024/25 in these forecasts.
  4. Average outlay per borrower is mean average value.
  5. Borrowers receiving both fee and maintenance loans for their course are included in both totals.
  6. Figures have been rounded to the nearest £10
  7. Coverage: Borrowers who received loans as English domiciled students studying in the UK or as EU domiciled students studying in England
  8. These figures are restricted to higher education undergraduate loans and do not include Advanced Learner Loans.
  9. The outlay model only forecasts students as receiving loans up to six years after they entered higher education; therefore no Plan 1 outlay is forecasted in financial year 2021-22 onwards. However, there are some exceptional cases where students may still be paid a Plan 1 loan later than this, e.g. if they had suspended their studies.

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