Further education and skills learners - detailed series
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Data set details
- Theme
- Further education
- Publication
- Further education and skills
- Release
- Academic year 2019/20
- Release type
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Achievement Below Level 2 (excluding English and maths) (Aug-Jul)
- Achievement English and maths (Aug-Jul)
- Achievement Full Level 2 (Aug-Jul)
- Filters
- Age group (with unknowns)
- BAME learners
- Ethnicity
- Time period
- 2017/18 to 2019/20
Data set preview
time_period | time_identifier | geographic_level | country_code | country_name | lldd | gender | ethnicity_group | ethnicity_detailed | bame | age_summary_with_unknowns | p_total | p_bl2_ex_eng_mat | p_eng_mat_esol | p_full_l2 | p_full_l3 | p_l2 | p_l3 | p_l4plus | p_no_lx | ach_total | ach_bl2_ex_eng_mat | ach_eng_mat_esol | ach_full_l2 | ach_full_l3 | ach_l2 | ach_l3 | ach_l4plus | ach_no_lx |
201718 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | LLDD - no | Female | Asian/ Asian British | Any other Asian Background | BAME | 19-24 | 2890 | 450 | 1610 | 380 | 910 | 1170 | 930 | 90 | 400 | 2180 | 400 | 1220 | 210 | 520 | 830 | 530 | 20 | 330 |
201718 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | LLDD - no | Female | Asian/ Asian British | Bangladeshi | BAME | 19-24 | 3040 | 530 | 1280 | 530 | 940 | 1120 | 970 | 90 | 350 | 2210 | 470 | 920 | 300 | 480 | 750 | 490 | 10 | 290 |
201718 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | LLDD - no | Female | Asian/ Asian British | Chinese | BAME | 19-24 | 440 | 60 | 170 | 50 | 120 | 140 | 130 | 50 | 90 | 310 | 50 | 130 | 30 | 70 | 100 | 70 | 10 | 80 |
201718 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | LLDD - no | Female | Asian/ Asian British | Indian | BAME | 19-24 | 2800 | 310 | 980 | 510 | 1010 | 1160 | 1040 | 240 | 290 | 1890 | 290 | 670 | 290 | 490 | 800 | 510 | 50 | 250 |
201718 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | LLDD - no | Female | Asian/ Asian British | Pakistani | BAME | 19-24 | 6360 | 1080 | 2660 | 990 | 2070 | 2640 | 2150 | 230 | 870 | 4520 | 960 | 1790 | 500 | 1080 | 1760 | 1130 | 50 | 690 |
Variables in this data set
Variable name | Variable description |
ach_bl2_ex_eng_mat | Achievement Below Level 2 (excluding English and maths) (Aug-Jul) |
ach_eng_mat_esol | Achievement English and maths (Aug-Jul) |
ach_full_l2 | Achievement Full Level 2 (Aug-Jul) |
ach_full_l3 | Achievement Full Level 3 (Aug-Jul) |
ach_l2 | Achievement Level 2 (Aug-Jul) |
- Total participation is the count of learners that participated at any point during the year. Learners undertaking more than one course will appear only once in the grand total.
- Total achievements are the count of learners that achieved at any point during the year. Learners achieving more than one course will appear only once in the grand total.
- Volumes are rounded to the nearest 10. If shown, '~' indicates a base value of between 1 and 4, whilst 0 indicates a true zero.
- Learner characteristics (such as age, gender, learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities and ethnicity) are based upon self-declaration by the learner.
- Age is based on age as at 31 August of the academic year.
- Ethnicity categories have been aligned with the ethnicities recorded in the 2011 UK Census.
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