Data set from Initial teacher training performance profiles

Table 1a) Trainee qualified teacher status and employment outcomes by personal characteristics

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This national level table contains the qualified teacher status and employment outcomes of postgraduate and undergraduate final year ITT trainees by characteristics. The data in this table covers 2017/18 to 2020/21. 2020/21 employment rates are provisional, all other years are revised.

Data set details

Teachers and school workforce
Initial teacher training performance profiles
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Aged 25 and over
  • Aged 25 and over percentage
  • Aged Under 25
  • Employment status
  • ITT level
  • QTS status
Time period
2017/18 to 2020/21

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201718Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandPostgraduateAwarded QTSTeaching in a state-funded school2050389641153956701482943771111144087560971159662656721017008496189718550568081807682808282787968788182798178778193
201718Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandPostgraduateAwarded QTSTotal254901102414466749517990546091352052237121426205876969226721069635245622974609193908893719493888886898688849290869280
201718Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandPostgraduateYet to completeTotal108439369141167211294933755037143664028780272118712434531433662675934733
201718Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandPostgraduateNot awarded QTSTotal130442388164465911725893124518611759502210124419710941354583144456115767467417
201718Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandPostgraduateTotalTotal27878118401603885501932174910146025910807164923188947823172286170628642493975100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 43 variables
Variable nameVariable description
employment_statusEmployment status
level_recodedITT level
n_totalTotal trainees
pct_n_totalTotal trainees percentage
pct_total_age_25andoverAged 25 and over percentage


  1. Percentage of those awarded QTS teaching in a state-funded school: percentage of those awarded QTS who are employed in a state-funded school in England within 16 months of qualification. 2020/21 employment figures are provisional (uplifted), all prior years are revised. Due to rounding, the sum of constituent parts may differ from the reported total. See methodology for further details.
  2. Yet to complete: includes trainees who have not fully completed their course at the end of the academic year. They will go on to be awarded QTS or will complete without being awarded QTS in a later academic year.
  3. Age: trainees aged 25 and over on 31 July 2021.
  4. Trainees with gender not recorded as male or female are included in 'other'.
  5. Degree classes relate to postgraduate ITT trainees only.
  6. Teaching in a state-funded school: registered as employed in a state-funded school in England within 16 months of qualification. 2020/21 figures are provisional (uplifted), up to and including 2019/20 are revised. See methodology for further details.
  7. UG degree class: "Upper second" includes undivided second class.
  8. Other ethnicity includes Arab and Other ethnic background.
  9. This publication includes final year trainees only. Undergraduate trainees with no recorded course end date are excluded from the publication (see methodology for more information).
  10. Trainees who were not awarded QTS includes those who left the course before the end (excluding those who left the course within 90 days of the start) and trainees who did not meet the standards.
  11. This is the first full academic year which has been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. As provisional employment figures are estimated using the previous year's figures, the estimate may not capture the full impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on employment rates. See methodology for further details.
  12. UG degree class: Those with non-UK degrees or degree-equivalent qualifications are assigned UK style classifications where known, else are assigned "Other" or "Not known".

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