Data set from FE learners going into employment and learning destinations by local authority district

Number of FE learners going into employment and learning destinations by local authority district

Latest data
Last updated

Reports on the employment, and learning destinations of adult FE & Skills learners, and all age apprentices that achieved their learning aim, and Traineeship learners that completed their aim.Includes earnings data one year after learning for learners achieving at Full level 2, Full level 3 and level 4+.

Broken down by local authority district.

Data set details

Further education
FE learners going into employment and learning destinations by local authority district
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority district, National, Regional
  • Advanced apprenticeship (Level 3 or above)
  • Any learning
  • Below Level 2 (excluding English & Maths)
Time period
2013/14 to 2017/18

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201718Academic yearNationalE92000001England10752701063580824460726610639405871501394702353809591018409012250643802953075603021022620143103230373004868089303951042750012946052550769105821055320
201718Academic yearRegionalE92000001EnglandE12000001North East8697086260622205589033804693089601509061301155082026202410520223015801020360259036508602770360801414035001064065403630
201718Academic yearLocal authority districtE92000001EnglandE12000001North EastE06000001Hartlepool28802880181015601001280280520230390206090309060102090150609013706409055035080
201718Academic yearLocal authority districtE92000001EnglandE12000001North EastE06000002Middlesbrough8280819053504730290397075013506009004023017050170160703037028060220363018003401460770310
201718Academic yearLocal authority districtE92000001EnglandE12000001North EastE06000003Redcar and Cleveland2990298021001850100154031055025041020100602010070202011011040701230520120400240130

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 28 variables
Variable nameVariable description
AnyLearnAny learning
AppSustained apprenticeship
AppAdvancedPlusAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3 or above)
AppIntermediateIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
BelowL2Below Level 2 (excluding English & Maths)


  1. A number of unmatched learners were counted in error for the 'Destination not sustained', 'In receipt of benefits only' and 'No activity captured in data' measures. As such the total number of learners in the measures 'Sustained positive destination', 'Destination not sustained', 'In receipt of benefits only' and 'No activity captured in data' exceeds the total number of matched learners. The magnitude of this issue is less than 4,000 learners at a national level.

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