A5 Child protection plans initial category of abuse by gender, age and ethnicity
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Children who were the subject of a child protection plan at 31 March by initial category of abuse by gender, age and ethnicity.
On this page
Data set details
- Theme
- Children's social care
- Publication
- Children in need
- Release
- Reporting year 2020
- Release type
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Child Protection Plans at 31st March
- Emotional Abuse
- Multiple
- Filters
- Characteristic Type
- Time period
- 2018 to 2020
Data set preview
time_period | time_identifier | geographic_level | country_code | country_name | category | characteristic | characteristic_type | CPP_At31 | Neglect_Initial | Physical_Abuse_Initial | Sexual_Abuse_Initial | Emotional_Abuse_Initial | Multiple_Initial |
2020 | Reporting year | National | E92000001 | England | Initial category of abuse | Gender | Total | 51510 | 26010 | 3820 | 1970 | 18380 | 1330 |
2020 | Reporting year | National | E92000001 | England | Initial category of abuse | Gender | Female | 24480 | 12080 | 1670 | 1170 | 8950 | 610 |
2020 | Reporting year | National | E92000001 | England | Initial category of abuse | Gender | Male | 25740 | 13050 | 2050 | 770 | 9170 | 690 |
2020 | Reporting year | National | E92000001 | England | Initial category of abuse | Gender | Unknown/Indeterminate gender | 70 | 40 | 10 | c | 20 | c |
2020 | Reporting year | National | E92000001 | England | Initial category of abuse | Unborn | Unborn | 1220 | 850 | 90 | 20 | 240 | 20 |
Variables in this data set
Variable name | Variable description |
characteristic_type | Characteristic Type |
CPP_At31 | Child Protection Plans at 31st March |
Emotional_Abuse_Initial | Emotional Abuse |
Multiple_Initial | Multiple |
Neglect_Initial | Neglect |
- Black or black British comprises Caribbean, African or any other black background.
- The initial category of abuse is that assessed when the child protection plan commenced.
- A child becomes the subject of a child protection plan if they are assessed as being at risk of harm, at an initial child protection conference.
- White comprises white British, white Irish, traveller of Irish heritage, any other white background and Gypsy/Roma.
- The 'Multiple' category refers to instances where there is more than one main category of abuse. Children included in this category are not included in any other category of abuse, therefore a child is counted only once overall.
- Mixed comprises white and black Caribbean, white and black African, white and Asian, any other mixed background.
- Other ethnic groups comprises Chinese and any other ethnic group.
- Asian or Asian British comprises Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, and any other Asian background.
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