Data set from Attendance in education and early years settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Table 4 - Daily attendance in responding education settings during the COVID-19 outbreak not nationally representative Pre 17 July

Not the latest data
Last updated

This file contains daily attendance data for state-funded education settings from 23 March - 17th July inclusive. Data is in this file has been scaled to account for non-response so it is nationally representative.

Data set details

Attendance in education and early years settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Open responding settings (not nationally representative)
  • Proportion of responding settings open (not nationally representative)
  • Proportion of settings usually accepting these year groups open to nursery reception year 1 or year 6 (not nationally representative)
  • Date
Time period
2020 Week 23 to 2020 Week 29

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
2020Week 23NationalE92000001England01/06/2020621430093470037..
2020Week 23NationalE92000001England02/06/2020741800097750049..
2020Week 23NationalE92000001England03/06/2020751830098780050..
2020Week 23NationalE92000001England04/06/2020741820098880057..
2020Week 23NationalE92000001England05/06/2020721740097770053..

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 8 variables
Variable nameVariable description
open_responding_settings_not_nationally_representativeOpen responding settings (not nationally representative)
open_responding_settings_to_nursery_reception_year1_or_year6_not_nationally_representativeSettings open to nursery reception year 1 or year 6 (not nationally representative)
open_responding_settings_to_year10_or_year12_not_nationally_representativeSettings open to year 10 or year 12 (not nationally representative)
proportion_of_responding_settings_open_not_nationally_representativeProportion of responding settings open (not nationally representative)


  1. These figures are included for methodological completeness and show the corresponding data before it has been adjusted for non-response.
  2. All national level figures are adjusted for non-response. Regional and local authority level figures are based on responding schools only. See accompanying document for full methodology.

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