Data set from Education, health and care plans

Initial requests, assessments, discontinued plans, 20 week timeliness, mainstream to special transfers, mediation and tribunals

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Data on initial requests for assessment, assessments for an EHC plan, discontinued plans, 20 week timeliness and mediation and tribunals.

Data set details

Pupils and schools
Education, health and care plans
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National, Regional
  • Assessments withdrawn
  • Decision on whether to issue a plan was the subject of an appeal to tribunal
  • decision to assess was referred for mediation
Time period
2014 to 2023

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
2014Calendar yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE12000003Yorkshire and The HumberE08000034382Kirklees2208700010045zzzzz0000zzzzzzz2zz204z3zz0zzz685.7163zzzzz2z51z77100685.7950zzz0zz1z1z011827114700z
2014Calendar yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE12000003Yorkshire and The HumberE08000035383Leeds0170006550zzzzz0010zzzzzzz42zz133z8zz0zzz310098zzzzz6z429z331003100980zzz1zz1z13z063093211300z
2014Calendar yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE12000003Yorkshire and The HumberE08000036384Wakefield01130z62zzzzz0000zzzzzzz24zz113z33zz0zzz0z181zzzzz1z10z00z0z1810zzz0zz1z5z14331850181000z
2014Calendar yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE12000008South EastE10000002825Buckinghamshire08023304820zzzzz0000zzzzzzz23zz200z6zz7zzz7100218zzzzz5z101z7107071001480zzz0zz2z8z002357158700z
2014Calendar yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE12000006East of EnglandE10000003873Cambridgeshire48154110z22954zzzzz0000zzzzzzz49zz304z37zz11zzz0z366zzzzz5z112z00z0z3000zzz0zz0z10z003690300000z

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 73 variables
Variable nameVariable description
ass_nodecisionNumber of children and young people assessed who are still being assessed or where assessment has been completed but no decision taken for a statement of SEN
ass_nodecision_ehcNumber of children and young people assessed who are still being assessed or where assessment has been completed but no decision taken for an EHC plan
ass_noneNumber of children and young people assessed for whom it was decided not to issue a statement of SEN
ass_none_ehcNumber of children and young people assessed for whom it was decided not to issue an EHC plan
ass_none_ehc_pcPercentage of children and young people assessed during the calendar year for whom it was decided not to issue an EHC plan


  1. From 2023, the data collection changed from aggregated figures at local authority level, to a person level collection. This has been a major change in approach and as such care should be taken with comparisons across this period. Further detail on the change is provided in the publication and supporting methodology.
  2. Data on ceased plans changed from 2023 to include a more comprehensive set of reasons for plans ending. Data was collected for all plans that ended. Prior to 2023, data on ceased plans only covered children of compulsory school age and care should be taken when comparing across this period.
  3. Data on movements between different setting types is not yet available for the 2022 calendar year. This is expected to be added to the latest publication in a future update.
  4. Timeliness figures are based on assessments completed within the calendar year where no mediation or tribunal has taken place.
  5. This data item has been marginally impacted by reporting issues in some local authorities – please see the methodology for further information.

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