Permanent data table

'Pupil characteristics - Ethnicity and Language' from 'Schools, pupils and their characteristics'

WarningWARNING - The data used in this table may now be out-of-date as a new release has been published since its creation.
Headcount for 'Pupil characteristics - Ethnicity and Language' for Any other ethnic group, Any other ethnic group - Arab, Asian - Any other Asian background, Asian - Bangladeshi, Asian - Chinese and 15 other filters in England between 2015/16 and 2020/21
Any other ethnic group119,647126,649154,575161,402168,758151,175
Any other ethnic group - Arabno datano datano datano datano data22,248
Asian - Any other Asian background120,458125,129150,574154,519158,756161,435
Asian - Bangladeshi117,004120,476143,379146,047148,290149,202
Asian - Chinese28,91529,88336,19636,85337,73237,943
Asian - Indian196,351205,828247,280257,669268,318275,106
Asian - Pakistani293,089301,646360,554366,574372,699374,031
Black - Any other Black background49,97451,82961,92662,87564,15364,655
Black - Black African253,781263,845311,012318,288323,874326,365
Black - Black Caribbean85,83084,47491,42989,08386,54383,712
Mixed - Any other Mixed background130,847141,086174,103183,671192,731200,996
Mixed - White and Asian84,13390,481111,811117,513123,153128,850
Mixed - White and Black African47,47251,26463,51866,93170,40373,202
Mixed - White and Black Caribbean101,278104,986123,873126,398128,774130,569
White - Any other White background388,056420,433517,902541,983558,877565,893
White - Gypsy/Roma22,09222,86126,65327,63228,09126,045
White - Irish21,12721,00123,11022,80822,44321,898
White - Traveller of Irish heritage4,9754,9136,0086,3926,5786,197
White - White British4,822,3324,825,8175,454,1085,441,7735,432,9915,410,043


  1. Totals include state-funded nursery, primary, secondary and special schools, non-maintained special schools and pupil referral units. Does not include independent schools
  2. Totals include pupils in General Hospital Schools, however Ethnicity and Language data is not available for these pupils. Breakdowns may not sum to totals as a result.

Source: Schools, pupils and their characteristics, Pupil characteristics - Ethnicity and Language

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