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Achievement Rates - Headlines by Age, Level, Qualification Type, SSA T1
Achievement Rates - Learner Characteristics Demographics by Age, Level, Sex, LLDD, Ethnicity major, Minority ethnic
Achievement Rates - Learner Characteristics Deprivation by Learners Home IMD, Age, SSA T1, Qualification Type, Level
Achievement Rates - Provider Type by SSA T1, Level, Age, Qualification Type
Achievement Rates - Providers by Age, Qualification Type, Level, SSA T1
Achievement Rates - Subject by Age, SSA T1, Qualification type, Level, Learning aim title
Achievement Rates - Subject by Provider type, Age, SSA T1, Qualification type, Level, Learning aim title
Achievement Rates - Subject Demographics by SSA T1, Level, Age, Sex, LLDD, Ethnicity major, Minority ethnic
Achievement Rates - Essential Skills Breakdowns
Achievement Rates - Essential Skills Breakdowns by Provider
Advanced learner loans - Applications, Loan amount awarded by Sex, Age, UK status, Qualification Type, SSA, Provider Type
Advanced learner loans - Participation by Age
AEB - Adult Education Budget
Community Learning Historical - Participation, Achievement by Age, Sex, LLDD, Ethnicity
Community Learning Historical - Participation, Achievement by Provider
Community Learning Historical - Participation, Achievement including Primary LLDD
Community Learning time series - Participation, Achievement by Age, Sex, LLDD, Ethnicity
Community Learning - Participation, Achievement by Age, Sex, LLDD, Ethnicity
Community Learning - Participation, Achievement by Geography
Community Learning - Participation, Achievement by Provider
Deprivation - Participation by Age, Learner Home Deprivation, Provision Type
Essential Skills - Detailed Series
Essential Skills - Regional Breakdown
Free Courses for Jobs summary - enrolments by start-month and age
Free Courses for Jobs - Cumulative Enrolments, Achievements by Age, LLDD, Sex, Ethnicity, Geography, Subject, Prior Attainment, Employment Status
Geography - New Parliamentary Constituency Breakdowns
Geography LAD - Enrolments, Achievements by SSA, Sex, Ethnicity, Level
Geography Region, LA, LAD, PCON - participation, achievement and apprenticeship starts (volumes and indicative rates per 100,000 population) by level, age, provision type
Geography Region, LAD, EDA - Participation, Achievement by Age, Sex, Ethnicity
Headline - Participation, Achievement by Provision type
Learner characteristics In-year - Participation by Age, Sex, LLDD, Ethnicity, Provision Type
Learner characteristics - Participation by Age, Sex, LLDD, Ethnicity, Provision Type Full Years
Learner characteristics - Participation, Achievement by Age, LLDD, Primary LLDD, Ethnicity, Provision Type
Learner characteristics - Participation, Achievement by Age, Sex, Detailed Ethnicity, LLDD, Provision Type
Multiply summary – enrolments, participation and achievements
Provider - Education and Training Enrolments by Provider name, UKPRN, Level, SSA
Provider - Education and Training Participation by Provider Name, UKPRN, Level
Provider - Further Education and Skills Adult Participation by Provider Name, UKPRN, Sex
Subject In-year - Enrolments, Achievements by SSA
Subject - Enrolments by STEM, SSA, Level, Age
Underlying Charts Data