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Achievement Rates Learner Characteristics - Volumes and Rates by Level, Age, Sex, LLDD, Ethnicity
Achievement Rates Learner Characteristics - Volumes and Rates by Std-fwk flag, STEM, SSA T1, Level, Detailed Level, Age, IMD quintile
Achievement Rates Providers - Volumes and Rates by Provider, SSA T1, Level, Standard-framework name
Achievement Rates Provider Type - Volumes and Rates by Provider type, SSA T1, Level, Age
Achievement Rates Subjects - Volumes and Rates by STEM, SSA T1, Level, Age, Ethnicity, Sex, LLDD
Achievement Rates Subjects - Volumes and Rates by Std-fwk flag, STEM, SSA T1 and 2, Standard-framework name, Level, Detailed Level, Age, Funding Type
Adverts and vacancies by Level, month
Commitments by Start year, Start month, Payment Status, Level, Age, Levy status
Duration, Starts by Level, Age, Length of employment
Geography - New Parliamentary Constituency Breakdowns
Geography LA, PCON and Region - Starts since May 2010 and 2015
Geography LAD and PCON - Starts, Participation, Achievements by Age, Sex, Level
Geography LEP and EDA - Starts, Achievements by Age, Sex, Level, SSA, Ethnicity
Geography Region and LAD - Starts, Achievements by Sex, Level, Ethnicity, SSA
Geography Region - starts, achievements, participation, population by age, level
Headline Full year - Starts, Achievements, Participation by Level, Levy, Age, Region, Provider type
Historical series - Starts, Participation by Age, Level, SSA
Learner Characteristics Deprivation Participation and Starts by Age, Learner home deprivation
Learner Characteristics Ethnicity - Starts, Achievements, Participation by Age, Level, Ethnicity, Sex, LLDD
Learner Characteristics LLDD - Starts, Achievements, Participation by Age, Level, Ethnicity, LLDD, Primary LLDD
Monthly Apprenticeship Starts by Start month, Age, Level, Fwk-std flag, Levy
Providers - Starts, Achievements by Provider Name, UKPRN, Level, SSA
Public sector apprenticeships - aggregate return values by sub-sector
Redundancies by Age, Level
Subjects - Starts, Achievements, Enrolments by Age, Sex, Ethnicity, LLDD, SSA, Detailed level, Standard-framework name and code
Subjects - Starts, Achievements, Enrolments by Detailed level, Degree flag, Std-fwk flag, STEM, SSA T1 and 2, Route
Subjects - Starts, Achievements by Age, Sex, LLDD, Level, Levy
Subjects - Starts, Enrolments by Age, Sex, Ethnicity, LLDD, SSA, Detailed level, STEM
Traineeships Positive Destinations - Headlines
Traineeships Positive Destinations - By Provider
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