Table Tool

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  1. Step 1 Choose a publication

    Children accommodated in secure children's homes
  2. Step 2 Select a data set or featured table

    Data set
    Secure children's homes - national data
  3. Step 3 Choose Countries

    • England
  4. Step 4 Choose time period

    Time period
    2010 to 2022
  5. Step 5 Choose your filters

    • Number of children accommodated
    • Number of children placed by YCS
    • Number of places approved
    • Number of places available
    • Number of places contracted to the MoJ
  6. Step 6 (current) Explore data

    This data is not from the latest release
    View latest data: Reporting year 2023
    'Secure children's homes - national data' in England between 2010 and 2022
    Number of secure children's homes16161616161414141414131313
    Number of places approved293292278274276232232232233237232231231
    Number of places available273269266264261223223205204206209210208
    Percentage of approved places available (availability rate)93%92%96%96%95%96%96%88%88%87%90%91%90%
    Number of children accommodated240202221187211194192184189162171130157
    Percentage of approved places occupied (occupancy rate)82%69%79%68%76%84%83%79%81%68%74%56%68%
    Number of places contracted to the MoJ176173166149149128128111114100101101101
    Percentage of approved places contracted to the MoJ60%59%60%54%54%55%55%48%49%42%44%44%44%
    Number of children placed by YCS11612913186101928388926675cc


    1. Percentages in charts and tables are rounded to the nearest whole number. Where percentages apply to a group of categories they may not sum to 100% due to rounding.

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