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  1. Step 1 Choose a publication

    Children looked after in England including adoptions
  2. Step 2 Select a data set or featured table

    Data set
    CLA who were adopted - average time between the different stages of the adoption process - NATIONAL
  3. Step 3 Choose Countries

    • England
  4. Step 4 Choose time period

    Time period
    2018 to 2021
  5. Step 5 Choose your filters

    • Number (Durations are expressed in years and months)
    Age at start of period of care
    • Total
    • Aged 1
    • Aged 2
    • Aged 3
    • Aged 4
    Stage of the adoption process
    • 1. Average time between entry into care and decision that child should be placed for adoption
    • 2. Average time between decision that child should be placed for adoption and matching of child and adopters
    • 3. Average time between date of matching and date placed for adoption
    • 4. Total average time between entry into care and date placed for adoption
    • 5. Average time between date placed for adoption and the date child adopted
  6. Step 6 (current) Explore data

    This data is not from the latest release
    View latest data: Reporting year 2023
    Number (Durations are expressed in years and months) for 'CLA who were adopted - average time between the different stages of the adoption process - NATIONAL' for 1. Average time between entry into care and decision that child should be placed for adoption, 2. Average time between decision that child should be placed for adoption and matching of child and adopters, 3. Average time between date of matching and date placed for adoption, 4. Total average time between entry into care and date placed for adoption, 5. Average time between date placed for adoption and the date child adopted and 10 other filters in England between 2018 and 2021
    1. Average time between entry into care and decision that child should be placed for adoption2. Average time between decision that child should be placed for adoption and matching of child and adopters3. Average time between date of matching and date placed for adoption4. Total average time between entry into care and date placed for adoption5. Average time between date placed for adoption and the date child adopted6. Total average time between entry into care and adoptionChildren adopted during the year who were placed for adoption within 12 months of an agency decision that the child should be placed for adoption
    Aged under 10:60:60:60:60:60:60:70:70:00:00:10:11:01:01:11:20:80:80:70:91:71:81:91:112,1202,0602,0301,640
    Aged 10:70:70:70:70:90:100:100:110:10:10:10:11:51:51:71:70:100:100:100:102:32:32:42:6370300240180
    Aged 20:80:70:70:70:90:100:111:00:10:10:10:11:61:61:71:80:110:110:100:112:42:52:52:7300240190120
    Aged 30:80:70:70:90:110:100:111:10:10:10:10:11:81:61:71:110:110:110:111:02:72:52:62:1119016012070
    Aged 40:80:90:110:70:111:00:111:20:10:10:10:11:71:91:111:100:101:00:111:32:52:92:103:11301007060
    Aged 50:80:71:10:80:100:111:10:110:10:20:20:11:71:82:41:80:101:01:11:22:62:83:42:1180503030
    Aged 60:71:21:101:60:110:111:00:110:20:10:10:11:82:12:102:40:110:111:01:22:73:03:103:840302020
    Aged 7 and over1:41:92:01:111:10:80:90:100:10:40:00:22:62:92:92:110:91:00:91:33:33:83:64:220202010


    1. Numbers have been rounded to the nearest 10. Average time rounded to the nearest month. See the methodology document for further information. Historical data may differ from older publications which is mainly due to amendments made by local authorities after the previous publication. Age is as at the start of period of care. 'Number of children' is those who were placed for adoption within 12 months (i.e. less than 365 days, inclusive of date placed for adoption) of the decision that they should be placed for adoption. This figure excludes children who were placed within 12 months of the decision that they should be placed for adoption, but whose placement for adoption broke down before being adopted.

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