Table Tool

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  1. Step 1 Choose a publication

    Longer term destinations
  2. Step 2 Select a data set or featured table

    Data set
    National: Longer term destinations
  3. Step 3 Choose Countries

    • England
  4. Step 4 Choose time period

    Time period
  5. Step 5 Choose your filters

    • Sustained education, apprenticeship or employment
    • Number of pupils completing key stage 4
    • Sustained education
    • Sustained apprenticeships
    • Sustained employment
    Data type
    • Percentage
    Destination year
    • year 1
    • year 3
    • year 5
    Institution group
    • State-funded mainstream schools
    Student characteristics
    • Disadvantaged
    • Not disadvantaged
  6. Step 6 (current) Explore data

    This data is not from the latest release
    View latest data: Academic year 2020/21
    'National: Longer term destinations' for Disadvantaged, Not disadvantaged, Percentage, State-funded mainstream schools, year 1 and 2 other filters in England for 2014/15
    year 1year 3year 5
    DisadvantagedNot disadvantagedDisadvantagedNot disadvantagedDisadvantagedNot disadvantaged
    Number of pupils completing key stage 4145,186398,103145,186397,853145,186397,855
    Sustained education, apprenticeship or employment88.196.372.986.767.386.0
    Sustained education80.188.941.850.529.446.5
    Sustained employment4.02.323.225.433.532.7
    Sustained apprenticeships4.05.17.810.84.46.8


    1. Note that employment figures showed an increase between 2013/14 and 2014/15 destination years due to the introduction of the Longitudinal Educational Outcomes data, and so Year 1 employment figures between the 2012/13 and 2013/14 cohorts are not directly comparable.
    2. Disadvantage status: Given as in year 11. Disadvantaged pupils are defined as those who were eligible for free school meals at any point in the previous six years or having been looked after by their local authority. These are the pupils who would have attracted the pupil premium when in year 11. Pupils with no key stage 4 record were not known to be disadvantaged in year 11 and are included in all other pupils.

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