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Page 1 of 2, filtered by: Further education, Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics Sorted by newest

  • Apprenticeship starts and achievements by enterprise characteristics

    Description This publication presents statistics on apprenticeship starts and achievements by the industry characteristics of their employer within the 2021/22 academic year, providing further breakdowns of existing data. Coverage It complements the headline Apprenticeship & Traineeship 2021/22 official statistics (published in November 2022), providing detailed information on the size and industry sector of the apprenticeship employers for that year. Data from the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and Office for National Statistics Inter-departmental Business Register (IDBR) have been matched for the 2017/18 to 2021/22 academic years. File formats and conventions The underlying data files are provided in comma separated value (csv) format. Whole numbers are rounded to the nearest 10, percentages are provided to the nearest whole number. Figures have been suppressed with the value ‘c’ for small values.
    This is the latest data
    Further education
    Last updated
    Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
    Academic year 2021/22
    Geographic levels
    National, Regional
    • Achievements
    • Starts
    • Apprenticeship standard
    • ASA levy supported
    • Five digit sector name of enterprise
    Time period
    2017/18 to 2021/22
  • Apprenticeship starts and achievements by enterprise characteristics and standard title

    Description This publication presents statistics on apprenticeship starts and achievements by the industry characteristics of their employer within the 2021/22 academic year, providing further breakdowns of existing data. Coverage It complements the headline Apprenticeship & Traineeship 2021/22 official statistics (published in November 2022), providing detailed information on the size and industry sector of the apprenticeship employers for that year. Data from the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and Office for National Statistics Inter-departmental Business Register (IDBR) have been matched for the 2017/18 to 2021/22 academic years. File formats and conventions The underlying data files are provided in comma separated value (csv) format. Whole numbers are rounded to the nearest 10, percentages are provided to the nearest whole number. Figures have been suppressed with the value ‘c’ for small values.
    This is the latest data
    Further education
    Last updated
    Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
    Academic year 2021/22
    Geographic levels
    • Achievements
    • Starts
    • Aim Title
    • Apprenticeship standard
    • Level
    Time period
  • Apprenticeship starts by enterprise characteristics, SSA and apprenticeship level

    Description This publication presents statistics on apprenticeship starts and achievements by the industry characteristics of their employer within the 2021/22 academic year, providing further breakdowns of existing data. Coverage It complements the headline Apprenticeship & Traineeship 2021/22 official statistics (published in November 2022), providing detailed information on the size and industry sector of the apprenticeship employers for that year. Data from the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and Office for National Statistics Inter-departmental Business Register (IDBR) have been matched for the 2017/18 to 2021/22 academic years. File formats and conventions The underlying data files are provided in comma separated value (csv) format. Whole numbers are rounded to the nearest 10, percentages are provided to the nearest whole number. Figures have been suppressed with the value ‘c’ for small values.
    This is the latest data
    Further education
    Last updated
    Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
    Academic year 2021/22
    Geographic levels
    • Achievements
    • Starts
    • Apprenticeship standard
    • ASA levy supported
    • Level
    Time period
    2017/18 to 2021/22
  • Apprenticeship starts and achievements by enterprise characteristics, apprenticeship level, sex and age

    Description This publication presents statistics on apprenticeship starts and achievements by the industry characteristics of their employer within the 2021/22 academic year, providing further breakdowns of existing data. Coverage It complements the headline Apprenticeship & Traineeship 2021/22 official statistics (published in November 2022), providing detailed information on the size and industry sector of the apprenticeship employers for that year. Data from the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and Office for National Statistics Inter-departmental Business Register (IDBR) have been matched for the 2017/18 to 2021/22 academic years. File formats and conventions The underlying data files are provided in comma separated value (csv) format. Whole numbers are rounded to the nearest 10, percentages are provided to the nearest whole number. Figures have been suppressed with the value ‘c’ for small values.
    This is the latest data
    Further education
    Last updated
    Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
    Academic year 2021/22
    Geographic levels
    • Achievements
    • Starts
    • Age
    • Apprenticeship standard
    • ASA levy supported
    Time period
    2017/18 to 2021/22
  • Apprenticeship starts and achievements by enterprise characteristics and geography - LAD

    Description This publication presents statistics on apprenticeship starts and achievements by the industry characteristics of their employer within the 2021/22 academic year, providing further breakdowns of existing data. Coverage It complements the headline Apprenticeship & Traineeship 2021/22 official statistics (published in November 2022), providing detailed information on the size and industry sector of the apprenticeship employers for that year. Data from the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and Office for National Statistics Inter-departmental Business Register (IDBR) have been matched for the 2017/18 to 2021/22 academic years. File formats and conventions The underlying data files are provided in comma separated value (csv) format. Whole numbers are rounded to the nearest 10, percentages are provided to the nearest whole number. Figures have been suppressed with the value ‘c’ for small values.
    This is the latest data
    Further education
    Last updated
    Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
    Academic year 2021/22
    Geographic levels
    Local authority district, National, Regional
    • Achievements
    • Starts
    • ASA levy supported
    • Sector
    • Size of enterprise
    Time period
    2017/18 to 2021/22
  • Apprenticeship starts and achievements by enterprise characteristics and geography - ParlCon

    Description This publication presents statistics on apprenticeship starts and achievements by the industry characteristics of their employer within the 2021/22 academic year, providing further breakdowns of existing data. Coverage It complements the headline Apprenticeship & Traineeship 2021/22 official statistics (published in November 2022), providing detailed information on the size and industry sector of the apprenticeship employers for that year. Data from the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and Office for National Statistics Inter-departmental Business Register (IDBR) have been matched for the 2017/18 to 2021/22 academic years. File formats and conventions The underlying data files are provided in comma separated value (csv) format. Whole numbers are rounded to the nearest 10, percentages are provided to the nearest whole number. Figures have been suppressed with the value ‘c’ for small values.
    This is the latest data
    Further education
    Last updated
    Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
    Academic year 2021/22
    Geographic levels
    National, Parliamentary constituency, Regional
    • Achievements
    • Starts
    • ASA levy supported
    • Sector
    • Size of enterprise
    Time period
    2017/18 to 2021/22
  • Apprenticeships by learner and industry characteristics

    Description This publication presents statistics on apprenticeship starts and achievements by the industry characteristics of their employer within the 2021/22 academic year, providing further breakdowns of existing data. Coverage It complements the headline Apprenticeship & Traineeship 2021/22 official statistics (published in November 2022), providing detailed information on the size and industry sector of the apprenticeship employers for that year. Data from the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and Office for National Statistics Inter-departmental Business Register (IDBR) have been matched for the 2017/18 to 2021/22 academic years. File formats and conventions The underlying data files are provided in comma separated value (csv) format. Whole numbers are rounded to the nearest 10, percentages are provided to the nearest whole number. Figures have been suppressed with the value ‘c’ for small values.
    This is the latest data
    Further education
    Last updated
    Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
    Academic year 2021/22
    Geographic levels
    • Achievements
    • Starts
    • Age
    • Aim Title
    • Ethnicity
    Time period
  • Apprenticeship and industry characteristics by region

    Description This publication presents statistics on apprenticeship starts and achievements by the industry characteristics of their employer within the 2021/22 academic year, providing further breakdowns of existing data. Coverage It complements the headline Apprenticeship & Traineeship 2021/22 official statistics (published in November 2022), providing detailed information on the size and industry sector of the apprenticeship employers for that year. Data from the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and Office for National Statistics Inter-departmental Business Register (IDBR) have been matched for the 2017/18 to 2021/22 academic years. File formats and conventions The underlying data files are provided in comma separated value (csv) format. Whole numbers are rounded to the nearest 10, percentages are provided to the nearest whole number. Figures have been suppressed with the value ‘c’ for small values.
    This is the latest data
    Further education
    Last updated
    Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
    Academic year 2021/22
    Geographic levels
    National, Regional
    • Achievements
    • Starts
    • Aim Title
    • Five digit sector name of enterprise
    • Level
    Time period
    2017/18 to 2021/22
  • Enterprises with apprenticeship starts by enterprise characteristics

    Description This publication presents statistics on apprenticeship starts and achievements by the industry characteristics of their employer within the 2021/22 academic year, providing further breakdowns of existing data. Coverage It complements the headline Apprenticeship & Traineeship 2021/22 official statistics (published in November 2022), providing detailed information on the size and industry sector of the apprenticeship employers for that year. Data from the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and Office for National Statistics Inter-departmental Business Register (IDBR) have been matched for the 2017/18 to 2021/22 academic years. File formats and conventions The underlying data files are provided in comma separated value (csv) format. Whole numbers are rounded to the nearest 10, percentages are provided to the nearest whole number. Figures have been suppressed with the value ‘c’ for small values.
    This is the latest data
    Further education
    Last updated
    Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
    Academic year 2021/22
    Geographic levels
    • Enterprises
    • At least one start ASA levy supported
    • Legal status of enterprise
    • Sector
    Time period
    2017/18 to 2021/22
  • Rate of apprenticeship starts in employee and business populations

    Description This publication presents statistics on apprenticeship starts and achievements by the industry characteristics of their employer within the 2021/22 academic year, providing further breakdowns of existing data. Coverage It complements the headline Apprenticeship & Traineeship 2021/22 official statistics (published in November 2022), providing detailed information on the size and industry sector of the apprenticeship employers for that year. Data from the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and Office for National Statistics Inter-departmental Business Register (IDBR) have been matched for the 2017/18 to 2021/22 academic years. File formats and conventions The underlying data files are provided in comma separated value (csv) format. Whole numbers are rounded to the nearest 10, percentages are provided to the nearest whole number. Figures have been suppressed with the value ‘c’ for small values.
    This is the latest data
    Further education
    Last updated
    Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
    Academic year 2021/22
    Geographic levels
    • Number of apprentices per 1,000 employees within sector
    • Number of enterprises with apprenticeship starts, per 1,000 enterprises within sector
    • Starts
    • Sector
    Time period
    2020/21 to 2021/22