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31 data sets
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Achievement Rates Learner Characteristics - Volumes and Rates by Level, Age, Sex, LLDD, Ethnicity
Apprenticeship national achievement rate tables. Academic year: 2020/21 to 2022/23 Indicators: Leavers, Completers, Achievers, Pass rate, Retention rate, Achievement rate Filters: Level, Age, Sex, LLDD, Ethnicity- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships
- Release
- Academic year 2023/24
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Achievement rate
- Achievers
- Completers
- Filters
- Age (under 19/19+)
- Age group
- Apprenticeship level
- Time period
- 2020/21 to 2022/23
- File
Achievement Rates Learner Characteristics - Volumes and Rates by Std-fwk flag, STEM, SSA T1, Level, Detailed Level, Age, IMD quintile
Apprenticeship national achievement rate tables. Academic year: 2020/21 to 2022/23 Indicators: Leavers, Completers, Achievers, Pass rate, Retention rate, Achievement rate Filters: Standard and Framework flag, STEM, Sector Subject Area T1, Level, Detailed Level, Age, IMD deprivation quintile- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships
- Release
- Academic year 2023/24
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Achievement rate
- Achievers
- Completers
- Filters
- Age (under 19/19+)
- Age group
- Apprenticeship level
- Time period
- 2020/21 to 2022/23
- File
Achievement Rates Providers - Volumes and Rates by Provider, SSA T1, Level, Standard-framework name
Apprenticeship national achievement rate tables. Academic year: 2021/22 and 2022/23 Indicators: Leavers, Completers, Achievers, Pass rate, Retention rate, Achievement rate Filters: Sector Subject Area T1, Level, Standard and Framework- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships
- Release
- Academic year 2023/24
- Geographic levels
- Provider
- Indicators
- Achievement rate
- Achievers
- Completers
- Filters
- Age (under 19/19+)
- Age group
- Apprenticeship level
- Time period
- 2021/22 to 2022/23
- File
Achievement Rates Provider Type - Volumes and Rates by Provider type, SSA T1, Level, Age
Apprenticeship national achievement rate tables. Academic year: 2021/22 and 2022/23 Indicators: Leavers, Completers, Achievers, Pass rate, Retention rate, Achievement rate Filters: Provider type, Sector Subject Area T1, Level, Age- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships
- Release
- Academic year 2023/24
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Achievement rate
- Achievers
- Completers
- Filters
- Age (under 19/19+)
- Age group
- Apprenticeship level
- Time period
- 2021/22 to 2022/23
- File
Achievement Rates Subjects - Volumes and Rates by STEM, SSA T1, Level, Age, Ethnicity, Sex, LLDD
Apprenticeship national achievement rate tables. Academic year: 2020/21 to 2022/23 Indicators: Leavers, Completers, Achievers, Pass rate, Retention rate, Achievement rate Filters: STEM, Sector Subject Area T1, Detailed Level, Age, Ethnicity Major, Minority Ethnic, Sex, LLDD- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships
- Release
- Academic year 2023/24
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Achievement rate
- Achievers
- Completers
- Filters
- Apprenticeship level
- Breakdown
- Detailed apprenticeship level
- Time period
- 2020/21 to 2022/23
- File
Achievement Rates Subjects - Volumes and Rates by Std-fwk flag, STEM, SSA T1 and 2, Standard-framework name, Level, Detailed Level, Age, Funding Type
Apprenticeship national achievement rate tables. Academic year: 2021/22 and 2022/23 Indicators: Leavers, Completers, Achievers, Pass rate, Retention rate, Achievement rate Filters: Standard and Framework flag, STEM, Sector Subject Area T1, Sector Subject Area T2, Standard and Framework Name, Level, Detailed Level, Age, Funding Type- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships
- Release
- Academic year 2023/24
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Achievement rate
- Achievers
- Completers
- Filters
- Age (under 19/19+)
- Age group
- Apprenticeship level
- Time period
- 2021/22 to 2022/23
- File
Adverts and vacancies by Level, month
Adverts and vacancies as reported on the Find an apprenticeship website Academic year: 2018/19 to 2023/24 (full academic years) 2024/25 (August to October) Indicators: Adverts, Vacancies Filters: Month, level- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships
- Release
- Academic year 2023/24
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Adverts
- Vacancies
- Filters
- Level
- Month
- Time period
- 2018/19 to 2024/25
- File
Commitments by Start year, Start month, Payment Status, Level, Age, Levy status
Commitments recorded on the apprenticeship service as of 22 October 2024 Academic year: Training start dates from the 2018/19 academic year onwards Indicators: Commitments Filters: Start academic year, Start month, Latest levy status, Apprenticeship level, Payment status, Transfer flag, Age group- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships
- Release
- Academic year 2023/24
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Commitments
- Filters
- Start academic year
- Start month
- Payment status
- Time period
- 2023/24
- File
Duration, Starts by Level, Age, Length of employment
Apprenticeship duration, apprenticeship planned length of stay and length of employment Academic year: 2014/15 to 2023/24 full academic year Indicators: Starts, Starts (used in duration calculations), Average expected duration Filters: Age group, Detailed level, Length of employment, Planned length of stay- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships
- Release
- Academic year 2023/24
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Average expected duration (days)
- Starts
- Starts (used in duration calculations)
- Filters
- Age
- Detailed level
- Length of Employment
- Time period
- 2014/15 to 2023/24
- File
Geography - New Parliamentary Constituency Breakdowns
Starts, Participation and Achievements by new parliamentary constituencies Academic years: 2018/19 to 2023/24 full academic years Indicators: Starts, Participation, Achievements Filters: Age and Level- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships
- Release
- Academic year 2023/24
- Geographic levels
- National, Parliamentary constituency
- Indicators
- Achievements
- Participation
- Starts
- Filters
- Age group
- Level or type
- Provision type
- Time period
- 2018/19 to 2023/24
- File