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18 data sets
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Teacher highest level of qualification
Headcount of teachers in state funded schools by type of school, grade and highest level of post A level qualification.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Teachers and school workforce
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- School workforce in England
- Release
- Reporting year 2019
- Geographic levels
- National, Regional
- Indicators
- Headcount
- Filters
- Grade of teacher
- Highest level of qualification
- Type of school
- Time period
- 2010/11 to 2019/20
- File
Support staff characteristics
Headcount and Full time Equivalent of support staff by type of school and characteristics including post held, age group and ethnicity (additional file at school level).- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Teachers and school workforce
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- School workforce in England
- Release
- Reporting year 2019
- Geographic levels
- Local authority, National, Regional
- Indicators
- Full-time equivalent
- Headcount
- Filters
- Characteristic
- Type of school
- Time period
- 2011/12 to 2019/20
- File
Pupil-teacher ratios
Pupil: teacher ratios and pupil: adult ratios in state funded schools.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Teachers and school workforce
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- School workforce in England
- Release
- Reporting year 2019
- Geographic levels
- Local authority, National, Regional
- Indicators
- Number of schools
- Pupil to adult ratio within-schools
- Pupil to teacher ratio (Qualified and unqualified teachers) within-schools
- Filters
- Type of school
- Time period
- 2018/19 to 2019/20
- File
Teacher and support staff FTE and headcount numbers
Teacher and support staff Full Time Equivalent and headcount numbers by type of school (additional file at school level).- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Teachers and school workforce
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- School workforce in England
- Release
- Reporting year 2019
- Geographic levels
- Local authority, National, Regional
- Indicators
- FTE of administrative staff
- FTE of all full-time teachers
- FTE of all full-time teachers without qualified teacher status
- Filters
- Type of school
- Time period
- 2010/11 to 2019/20
- File
Subjects taught by teachers in secondary schools
Head count of teachers and the number of hours taught by subject to year groups 7-13 in all state funded secondary schools.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Teachers and school workforce
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- School workforce in England
- Release
- Reporting year 2019
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- All teachers of years 7 to 13
- Numbers of hours taught for years 10 and 11
- Numbers of hours taught for years 12 and 13
- Filters
- Subject taught
- Time period
- 2011 November to 2019 November
- File
Specialist teachers in secondary schools
% of hours taught by a teacher with qualification in relevant subject and the % of teachers holding qualification in relevant subject by highest qualification of teacher and subject taught.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Teachers and school workforce
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- School workforce in England
- Release
- Reporting year 2019
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- % of hours taught by a teacher with qualification in relevant subject
- % of hours taught by a teacher with qualification in relevant subject - confidence limit
- % of teachers holding qualification in relevant subject
- Filters
- Highest qualification of teacher
- Subject taught
- Time period
- 2014 November to 2019 November
- File
Teacher subject vacancies secondary school
Full-time classroom teacher vacancies and temporary filled number of posts and rates in state funded secondary schools by subject.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Teachers and school workforce
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- School workforce in England
- Release
- Reporting year 2019
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Number of teacher vacancies and temporary filled posts
- Rate of vacancies and temporary filled posts
- Filters
- Subject of vacancy
- Time period
- 2010 November to 2019 November
- File
Qualified leavers from teaching
Qualified teacher leavers by category including school type, gender, age group and post on leaving.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Teachers and school workforce
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- School workforce in England
- Release
- Reporting year 2019
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- FTE number of leavers
- Leavers rate
- Filters
- Age group
- Gender
- Post on leaving
- Time period
- 2010/11 to 2018/19
- File